"Keep watching others eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of me."

by Zoos 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zoos

    "Keep sitting there as respectful observers in remembrance of me."

    "Keep contemplating how I didn't die for you in remembrance of me."

    How did we ever fall for it?

  • villagegirl

    The Watchtower is the Anti-Christ and they get a lot of help from

    the enemy, Satan, who we are warned " appears as an Angel of light"

    The Governing Body sets itself up as a "god" to replace Christ and

    become the "sole mediatror between man and God". And this is the

    lie we believed. Only Satan could have devised such a "visible organizatin"

    appearing as an Angel of Light, and claiming such arrogant authority

    and drawing away millions who are told, they can never become part of

    the Body of Christ. The WT and its "governing body" who claim to be

    in charge of all "Christs belongings" are the "Man of lawlessness, standing

    in the Holy Place" And it is no surprise they claim this authority since as

    Jesus said: Satan is the ruler of this world and he has no hold on me.

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