It appears to be a definition of Inspiration.
Try putting the words "Inspriration is" at the beginning of the sentence, then pare it down to basic structure - subject, predicate, etc.
ack, it's gobble-dee-gook! I'm sure one of our scholars could translate it, though. It's really quite 19th turn-of-the-century, and formal. IOW, it was easier for them to 'baffle with bull****' back in Rutherford's time.
Let's see...
The quality or state of (noun/subject) being moved by or produced under (verb) the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source. (predicate?)
I read this: Inspiration (in the religious context) happens when holy spirit from Jehovah is directed to give it to you.
I've edited so much of other people's work, it's usually easy, but that is one hell of a twisted up sentence.