Please, take a moment to help...

by Newly Enlightened 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    For those of you who have not seen this yet,

    We are splattering this petition all over the world. Please, even if you feel it will do no good, take a moment and sign.

  • talesin

    Right now, we do not believe that the Elders ever intended to help us at all — the vote of the congregation notwithstanding. We believe that the original statements were given to placate us; that they always intended to do what they wanted no matter what. They are the first of any religion that we have met who have lied to us… a very, very sorry statement to write. We do not find them Good Neighbors.

    This is sad. When you are disabled, helpless in some ways, and get treated like this, it makes one feel less than a piece of dog poo on someone's shoe.

    I hope lots of people sign, if only to let them know that people DO care.




  • DesirousOfChange

    At the next Circuit Assembly there will be an experience given on how some "wicked" disabled man tried to stop the building of a Kingdom Hall but with the help of the Holy Spirit, his efforts were thwarted. Jehovah Witnesses cannot be stopped by Satan's Seed.

    Face it: They don't give a damn.


  • clarity
    clarity proud of your involvement in

    supporting these people! Imagine this mega

    building going up right next to your house OMG!


    Even if ....... Jim was not injured ... the bloody

    nerve of a huge organization building this monstrocity

    this close to anybody's HOME is totally evil !!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wish we could see a 'birds eye view' of this invasion!

    So glad the world is seeing this. How self-centered and

    greedy this so called religion is!


  • nonjwspouse

    Signed it :)

  • clarity

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