Has there been a recent WT on not socializing with non active JW family?

by ThunderStruck52 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThunderStruck52

    Hey guys, I'm not able to check this site as often as I'd like with two small kiddos to run after. Just wondering if there has been any strongly worded WT study or direction recently about not associating or socializing with inactive JW family? I'm not disfellowshipped but its almost like Im getting the shunning treatment from my mom in the last 2 months. She doesnt call me anymore or initiate contact. She will talk on the phone pleasantly enough if I call her, but thats about it. She used to visit me and her grandkids but now, all I hear is crickets. Did I miss something? Of course it doesnt help that I sent my non-JW dad a Fathers Day card and took him out for his birthday this year for the first time :-) I figure he has suffered quite enough all these years. Thanks for any input, I appreciate it!!

  • Oubliette

    TS52: Of course it doesnt help that I sent my non-JW dad a Fathers Day card and took him out for his birthday this year for the first time

    Sounds like mom is using passive-agressive behavior to manipulate you and let you know that you have sinned.

    This is what happens when a cult steals your brain.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'd say many JWs would let the Father's Day thing pass, but birthdays?? Those are a clear NO-NO. Have you determined if anyone got beheaded because you celebrated your dad's birthday?

    There are frequently "warnings" given at CO visits or CirAssms about questionable association, including inactive friends & family. It's obvious to us that we've been taken off the list by friends who were having wedding receptions and graduation parties and the only reason could be is that we're not attending the propaganda sessions.


  • ThunderStruck52

    DOC: all heads still intact. Yeah I realize they are reminded quite frequently of the danger of associating with us "inactive" and spiritually weak ones. Thanks for your two cents! You guys are right on, as usual.

  • Calebs Airplane
  • steve2

    For some ex-spouses - JW or not JW - even the fact that their child has contact with the other ex is enough to incite WW3.

    So, your Mom's not initiating contact with you could be simply because you dare to have contact with your father.

    That said, I suspect, though, if she knew you sent him a Father's Day card and celebrated his birthday with him....honey you've well and truly crossed over into the Dark Side. Does she know??

  • ThunderStruck52

    Thanks Caleb :-)

    Steve2, Dad and mom still married - did i just blow your mind? hahaha Yeah who knows how, but Mom has been a JW since 1973 (funny) and Dad never did buy into it. Still together somehow.

    Thanks for your replys.

  • Wild_Thing

    It goes like that with my JW family, too. It ebbs and flows. Just be patient. It goes against their nature to shun you, so it won't last forever.

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