The Great Weird Off - Mormonism vs. Jehovah's Witnesses

by Wild_Thing 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    Interesting podcast to listen to. ExJWs go head to head with Ex-Mormons on which religion is weirder. They had judges that determined who won.

    SPOILER ALERT: We won! (Big surprise!). Even the ex-Mormons agreed!

  • NewYork44M

    After reading Under the Banner of Heaven byJon Krakauer, I would vote for Mormonism as winners of the wierd off contest.

  • LisaRose

    I think that Mormon doctrine is weirder, but that doesn't really affect the day to day life of the average Mormon. They have a more supportive social structure, and they aren't as controlling and strict. They don't ex communicate as much as JWs disfellowship either and the preaching requirements are not as much.

  • JWdaughter

    Even excommunicated LDS are not shunned unless they actually did something so offensive to their family that they couldn't bear to be in the same room with them. JWs often don't even know why they are shunning someone other than the elders said so. Seriously?

    And day to day life of a Mormon is actually a lot more normal and inclusive and (dare I say) pleasant. There is a sense of theirs being the 'true faith', but it isn't an overbearing self righteous infestation there so much from what I observed. They have a heirarchy system for sure, but while the doctrine was different from other churches, the basics about living a Christian life (being worthy) were much more standard and the (rich) church actually has extensive charitable outreaches as well as evangelistic. The thing is, the charitable works are funded more by their tithes/offerings and the evangelistic are mostly funded directly by those on the missions (missionaries support themselves with help from their personal families and friends). There is definitely a strong American work ethic structured into LDS teachings, as well as encouragement to be educated and involved in community. This is the opposite of WT values.

  • RubaDub

    There is definitely a strong American work ethic structured into LDS teachings, as well as encouragement to be educated and involved in community. This is the opposite of WT values.


    I think a lot of it has to do with the Majic Underwear.

    It might be cool if the Dubs created a line of underwear.

    Rub a Dub

  • Wild_Thing

    The podcast is quite long to listen to ... so here is the gist of it. They had something like 17 categories. (It must have been 17 because the judges scores were like 11 to 6.)

    They discussed each category and the differences in the two religions and then the judges would give a point to either the JWs or the Mormons for each category. It was quite clever.

    Some of the categories were Nature or God, Nature of Jesus, Women, Sex, Education, Hell, End of Times, etc.

  • wallsofjericho

    i always took comfort knowing that at least the mormons were weirder than us! I have to disagree, while both are at the top of the weird scale, my opinion is 1 - Scientology 2 - Mormons 3 - JW's

  • Wild_Thing

    I have to admit ... it's kind of hard to beat magic underwear on a scale of weirdness.

  • Apognophos

    I suppose it's all about doctrine vs. lifestyle. Mormon doctrine definitely seems weirder, but at least they're not total social pariahs. JWs are the ones who stand out in school and the workplace as weirdos, right? Heck, Mormons can even run for President.

  • NewYork44M

    my opinion is 1 - Scientology

    You have a point, but I don't think that the contest is what is the wierdest religion - ever; just a friendly contest between two wierd groups.

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