"Worldly" P.R. and Marketing Firms ???? ...

by TTATTelder 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    I have noticed a few comments lately about Worldly PR firms and Marketing companies being used by the WT.

    Does anyone have any information confirming this to be the case?

    For many JW's this would be borderline scandelous considering the venom constantly spewed about Satan's world.

    If I missed any threads about this topic, please give a link.

    Thanks for any input.


  • Londo111
  • sir82

    Nothing concrete....

    But the slick advertising campaigns associated with the Atlanta, Detroit, and New Orleans International conventions sure "smell like" a PR firm got involved.

  • konceptual99

    I don't know if external PR agencies are involved but I know from personal contacts that there has been a number of commercially experienced high profile elders involved in special commitees related to the ongoing reorganisation and change mangement process.

  • NeonMadman

    What would be the big deal if they were? They have a web site that needs to be designed, events that need to be promoted, brochures that need to be laid out, logos, signage and lots of other things that would be expected of any large organization. If they need outside expertise to make these things effective, I'm not sure what the problem would be with consulting a "worldly" firm that specializes in such things, any more than I would be concerned if they had a plugged up toilet at a Bethel home and called in a "worldly" plumber. It's a non-issue, as far as I can see.

  • baltar447

    As I posted in the thread that Londo referenced above, I have solid info that the financial changes are internal:

    There's a 5 man committee that the borg flys from different bethels in different countries a few times a year and they are the ones behind the financial changes and they have the GB's ear. The idea about the new Kingdom Hall construction funding came from this committee. The main accounting office in Brooklyn has had some lazy habits develop over the years that the GB got wind of, and this was one of several reasons they formed this committee. None of the GB are on this committee.

    Now, I can't speak to the other changes but financial/donation arrangement changes there you go.

  • TTATTelder


    Apparently it isn't obvious the problem with worldly pr and/or marketing firms. So I will explain as a person still very much on the inside of this organization.

    This organization villifies anything from the religous, political, or business sectors of society. They claim they are directed by God, guided by Holy Spirit, and are motivated by Christian love. Worldly "Big Business" is supposed to be greedy, corrupt, and immoral (Satan's world remember?).

    In the "real world" there is nothing wrong with it, BUT, and it's a big BUT, in their world it is supposed to be beneath them. They claim divine blessing.

    Angels are supposed to be directing people to the "truth". They are not supposed to have to use worldly advertising techniques.

    Now getting people to create some web designs is not as much the issue as using a PR firm to help mold their image or guide them through such things as spinning this 2014 embarrassment.

    So anyway that's that.


  • joe134cd

    I know for the Conti appeal case, there has been an outside law firm hired.

  • NeonMadman

    This organization villifies anything from the religous, political, or business sectors of society. They claim they are directed by God, guided by Holy Spirit, and are motivated by Christian love. Worldly "Big Business" is supposed to be greedy, corrupt, and immoral (Satan's world remember?).

    In the "real world" there is nothing wrong with it, BUT, and it's a big BUT, in their world it is supposed to be beneath them. They claim divine blessing.

    Angels are supposed to be directing people to the "truth". They are not supposed to have to use worldly advertising techniques.

    Now getting people to create some web designs is not as much the issue as using a PR firm to help mold their image or guide them through such things as spinning this 2014 embarrassment.

    Sorry, I still don't see what the big issue is. They buy toilet paper for Bethel bathrooms that is made by "worldly" companies. They buy all kinds of goods and services from "the world." It's just business. You say that "they are not supposed to have to use worldly advertising techniques," but where does the WTS ever say anything like that, or imply that such a thing is beneath them? You are imputing arguments to them and then knocking down the arguments they never made; that's a straw-man fallacy. Remember the famous cry, "Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom?" I don't recall the Judge adding afterward, "but don't use any worldly advertising techniques." I think you are creating a tempest in a teapot here out of nothing.

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