I'll copy and paste some descriptions going more in depth. (this is probably 1/4 or 1/2 of information I cutted from this site/person attempting to explain it at http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/The-Neurophoton-Consciousness-Theory_20126.html)
Human consciousness is not a product of the brain. In order to process data carried on photons, the brain serves as a complex transducer converting consciousness from electrical photon energy to electrochemical energy. Human beings process all information, whether abstract or concrete through an extensive nervous system of insulated wiring. Electricity, a form of light energy, conducts consciousness throughout the body and provides animation and emotional response. To differentiate between the natures of the various spectrums of the electromagnetic spectrum, the term neurophoton is used to define those photons capable of interaction with the human physical apparatus. Consciousness in humans is made up of a cohesive field of electromagnetic energy; part of the electromagnetic spectrum and, therefore, must follow all the laws of quantum physics, Special Relativity, and nature.
Neuroscience tells us that the human brain is made up of approximately 100-billion nerve cells, called neurons. These cells communicate with one another and the body through tiny electrochemical impulses. The neuron cell charges and discharges much like a battery. At rest it has a potential of -70mV and when enough positively charged sodium permeates the neuron cell wall to bring the charge up to -55mV the neuron electrically fires, or discharges, to the dendrite receiver of the next neuron. While the on going chemical process travels from 200 to 250 miles per hour across the nervous system, the electricity fires across the neuron cell at the speed of light and falls into the electromagnetic spectrum. These electrical impulses traveling along neuro-system pathways exist as a manifestation of light in one or more of the bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Again we find the significance of light (photons) and the physical body. Light both holds the body together by the presence of gluons binding the quarks in the protons and neutrons; and in thought, electrically fired neurons direct every activity of the body. Both mentally and physically the body is controlled electrically.
In the world of science, we don�t get something from nothing. If we can�t get something from nothing from a scientific perspective, and consciousness is clearly something, then where does it come from and where does it go? Consciousness cannot be a product of the brain. If so, the Law of Conservation of Energy (which says energy cannot be created or destroyed) must be discarded. If consciousness is not the product of the human brain, then what is it, and what is its source?
We know that all photons have light speed velocity but only certain photons carry information that can be absorbed by a human through his senses. This theory refers to all photons in any spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum as neurophotons if they are within human comprehension through any of the senses and can be integrated into human consciousness through the nervous system. Secondary neurophotons consist of impulses absorbed through the senses exclusive of sight; i.e. hearing, smell, touch, and taste and transformed in the brain into electrical impulses for inclusion in human consciousness. For the purposes of our theory, the term neurophoton is used to designate the nature of the photons rather than the frequency of the photons. We know that there are sounds at frequencies so high that we can�t hear them although dogs clearly can. We know that there are sounds at frequencies so low that we can�t hear them although elephants clearly can. The very same principle holds true for color and light. Humans consciously experience only a very small spectrum of the photon activity in the electromagnetic spectrum at any given moment in time. Visible light makes up only one-thousandths of one percent of the electromagnetic spectrum.
We know then where our consciousness comes from. It is absorbed through our senses from a type of photon (light) called a neurophoton that carries information, which we receive and process in our brain, which in turn will store the information and make it available through electromagnetic impulses throughout our nervous systems; or it is translated into electrical nerve impulses from our sense of touch, smell, taste, or the vibration of sound striking our ear drums. These electrical nerve impulses translated from any medium other than sight are secondary neurophotons. Consciousness does not originate in the human brain. Neurophotons may be stored and processed in the brain, but all information is extracted from neurophoton light. Light is without mass or weight, and light taken from light remains light. This is evident from neurological studies that have proven that the brain fires electrochemical-magnetic impulses to operate our body and produce our thoughts and our reaction to our thoughts. Electromagnetic phenomena are the product of photons in movement. Every movement you make, therefore, originated in light. Information is the fundamental substance of consciousness, and information is borne on light and in fact is light. Therefore, consciousness itself is light.
When your physical body dies, it does not vanish. It is 12+ billion years old and it simply returns to the elements from whence it came. In our entire universe there is nothing that is stationary. All things are forever and constantly in a state of flux - forever in movement and change. Your body, at least in its present form, is not going to last very long in terms of galactic time. But what about your consciousness? At first glance you might be inclined to believe that it will go away also. Why wouldn�t it? Your body will be nothing more than dust a few years after you die. But remember your consciousness is not made up of matter. It is made up of light. Again, remember, photons refuse to play by the rules of the physical universe that dictate the behavior of everything else. Also, remember that photons travel effortlessly at the speed of light. Remember also that anything traveling at the speed of light will cease to be constrained by the ordinary physical rules of the space-time continuum. Time has stopped for light. Actually, time never really existed for light to begin with.
Let us suppose that you drop dead this instant. There can be no �magic� or �superstition� in quantum physics. Every element of your body must follow the laws of quantum physics. Even the photons, while not following the laws of the other elements, will nonetheless follow the clearly observable laws that define the behavior of all other photons. There are no maverick photons. There is no cosmic magic. The physical body must dissolve into individual atoms over a period of time and then find identity in other things. The atoms that make up your body existed billions of years ago and they will exist billions of years from now. But the photons that comprise individual consciousness are without physical constraint and must act like photons. They travel at the speed of light. This light consciousness can no more vanish without violating the fundamental laws of quantum physics than the physical electrons and protons of the body can.
Unless we revise the laws of physics including the Theory of Special Relativity, we must conclude that consciousness does not end with human death. Consciousness is constructed uniquely in the body of each person with light energy taken into their bodies through the senses, carried throughout the body on clearly identified carriers in the electromagnetic spectrum of the universe. The photons carrying information used to construct the unique consciousness of any individual existed before the birth of the individual and will continue to exist after the death of the individual because all the parts of individual consciousness are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Furthermore, once those neurophotons are bound into a unique field of consciousness that particular consciousness continues to exist as a singular cohesive light field because it is the nature of light bearing information to do so. At the speed of light, photons are not acted upon by time or any other stimuli that act upon things with rest mass; therefore, they exist perpetually to infinity.