This question came up recently and I was amazed at how many modern day J-Dubs feel it was no time at all. But JW publications have long stated that is was years in duration. What do you remeber and provide citations if possible.
Revelation 12:12 If a Witness was asked how long the war in heaven lasted? What would their answer be nowdays?
by thomasaquinas 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well jah couldn't help Judea beat the guys on the lower areas of israel because they had chariots, so I'm thinking if Satan had chariots it was a blood bath that took a long time.
New International Version
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." -
You know, this question never even occurred to me. Interesting. I guess I always thought of it as a short brawl rather than a protracted battle, with Satan's forces being outnumbered 2-to-1 and getting a beatdown. But one would have to read into the text itself to assume anything about how long it lasted, save that it does say it was a 'war', which implies more than one battle over a period of time, even if it wasn't necessarily a long period of time.
Well jah couldn't help Judea beat the guys on the lower areas of israel because they had chariots, so I'm thinking if Satan had chariots it was a blood bath that took a long time.
LOL. Crap, they have chariots! Regroup! Regrooup!! LOL!
Think about this. The defeat has ever since frustrated everything
God has put his hand to do. It has been a iffy situation at best.
From day one, it has been questionable who is really winning the
war and if the wily devil was able to circumvent God's plans twice,
what will keep him from doing it again, the third time might be
his lucky charm.
Yes satan just might win. The fact is, the way it has been calculated,
the devil will have won roughly ninety-nine percent of humanity
when it is all over. So who is the winner.
Anyone have citations available to show JW thinking on this matter? As I remember it it was viewed as occuring from fall of 1914 through mid 1918?? Of course this has no basis scripturally but I wanted to see how long they have held to this teaching. Their book "Revelation" circa 1980s maybe updated in early 200s may comment but not sure??