What stage are you in after leaving or waking up to TTATT?

by suavojr 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    I can honestly say that although still in, I have lost the fear of WT’s dooms day version and in all sincerity I don't care what others inside the cult think of me. At first I was mad of being lied to, I was sad that paradise is not coming, and I felt fear of death. I happy to report, that I am now at peace with my eventual mortality and I am enjoying every second I have while I am alive.

    Thanks to the help of many people on this board I am mentally and emotionally detached from religious dogma and fairytales.

    Operation Eagle Claw is in effect!

    How about you?

  • sd-7

    I'm more settled about the whole 'it was a lie' stuff. I think it still makes me angry that people are being abused in this cult. But I no longer see it as my duty to get them out or anything. In the end, that has to be up to them to start the search on their own. Once that happens, it usually snowballs on its own. And I do feel sad that people I knew are never going to say hi and never going to know reality. It doesn't get to me too much, of course, since I was never really close to most of them anyway. I still feel a sort of primal fear about elders and that sort of thing, but...it's just hardwired. In my mind I know that there's nothing more to do with all that. I no longer need to prove anything to myself, I now know that it was a fiction.

    I don't fear death any more than I usually do. It was always going to happen. Frankly, I'm looking forward to it. It's the culmination of how much life sucks. I just hope I can have a good 'Life At An End--At Last! Yard Sale, Where Movies and Games are $1' before I check out.

    But I think the damage done to my personality still remains. I still have trouble saying no and standing up for myself. Of course, that also relates to upbringing and not just the cult.

    Beyond that, I'm just living. I guess I think about it since I'm still married to the Mrs. and all, so the literature's strewn everywhere, also it was part of my life for like 25 of my 31.9 years, but...it's no longer as much of a preoccupation as it used to be. I don't read the literature anymore, at least it's been a good while since the last time I did. So I think things are okay. Not ideal, but for now, it's functioning.


  • daringhart13

    I still have some triggers that bring on anger.

    I could care less what anyone thinks; most are afraid of me when they see me. Some give me a hug like I never left. I couldn't care less about the people's opinions, but I've always had that type of personality.

    However, the lying and damage done to my poor old mother brings on anger. Single mom who has had a life long hope of paradise and animals (which she adores)..............I want someone to pay for her pain and sacrifices.

    But the biggest onset of anger/frustration is watching people I love continue on in that cult.....and despite being pointed to evidence, they make ZERO effort to study anything.

    I hate it. Passionately. I just hate stupidity and laziness.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Time is definitely making a difference.

    Every day I get a little more confident about arguing my corner, and I care a little less about what others think. My only concern now is about not losing my wife. I feel THE conversation is going to come up soon, in which I tell her I'm only going to the meetings to be supportive of her, and that I've gone from doubting to not believing.

    It's been easier and there's been less pressure since I came out as a doubter, and I sure am enjoying life a lot more, if it wasn't for the fear of losing the luvverly missus...

    Andthe dread of having to go out on the ministry in the morning.... 😥


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm awake and have faded. Some family still in, some out. Didn't marry in, so I don't have that issue. Still have the anger and regret. Still working on moving on with life, career, and friends.

  • earthfire

    I've been fully out for 18 years now but this week that old wound got ripped open again when my brother shunned me over trying to friend him on Instagram of all things. He shut his account down which I think is a bit drastic and childish. Two brothers and a half sister are very much in, I'm losing hope. So I go for months being strong, no major problems and then you get hurt all over again.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Atheist with complete closure - online mainly to help others.

  • Fernando

    Walked out for good mid-2009, after more than 4 decades, and 3 generations.

    Formalised beginning 2010.

    Now identify as SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious).

    Enjoying a vibrant and organic faith and spirituality with family and friends - no middlemen and no hierarchy.

  • SAHS

    I have already completely left the WT cult in my heart. I don’t make any financial contributions in the contribution boxes. But since I’m still living with my folks right now, I’m not able to vote with my feet as well as my wallet.

    I’m trying to get my debts paid down (which is certainly not an easy thing for me now) so that I can finally move out on my own again. I keep thinking that I’ll be able to do a proper and complete fade once I manage to get my debts close to being paid off, but I can never seem to pull that off. Financial independence is like the carrot in front of the donkey for me. I keep thinking, “Someday, someday.”

    My folks are around their mid-70s, so this current living arrangement isn’t going to last forever. When I get my inheritance from my well-to-do aunt, I’ll be able to make a run for it. But, of course, how long will that take? Who knows. So, ‘what stage am I in after leaving or waking up to TTATT?’ I’m still stuck in frikin’ limbo! That’s what stage I’m still in now. My heart has already made the choice – I’m just waiting until my feet can follow.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Billy and Blondie, how does a scared ex-JW develop a life after the Borg? I am making Worldy Friends and happy two of my ilk have left the Borg too. Do you miss some of the Witnesses who were really good people? How do we manage past this pain, eventually I know they are going to leave me and my ilk(Sister's coined word for my kids, she's a good JW Aunt, Not!) alone and all my friends I love will disown me like I say happen to a member on JWN, they slander he badly even though everything they say is lies!

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