Concluding prayer @ RC

by piztjw 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • piztjw

    So the bro. who yapped his way through the final prayer recap yesterday made this statement, "Thank you Jehovah for the Governing Body and the IT brothers who have made the technology we have used to tie in with the IC. We know that technology, has through their hard work creating it, made it possible for hundreds of thousands to be united together at the same time. Thank you again for the brothers who have made this technology."

    And here all along I thought that technology existed prior to the IC. And I didn't know it was JW's who created internet technology??? I thought it was Algore

  • designs

    Al Gore is a Brother???

  • snowbird

    Now, now.

    The WT refined the Internet.

    Tee hee hee.

  • Crazyguy

    That's great, the kids had to be rolling thier eyes, more these kind of statements are made the more it wakes people up I hope.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If the WT invented this technology ("made it possible), why were they openly condemning it not that many years ago as a tool of Satan?


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