Still looking for JW references on this. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Especially newer ones post 1990s.
Revelation 12:12 If a Witness was asked how long the war in heaven lasted? What would their answer be nowdays?
by thomasaquinas 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How long did the war last? How long's a piece of string? Even the WTS/GB doesn't have a clear answer.
Some pointers -
*** w73 10/15 p. 617 par. 24 Divine Victory—Its Meaning for Distressed Humanity ***
How long that “war . . . in heaven” between holy angels and devilish demons lasted is not stated in the record; but it is hardly likely that it lasted longer than World War I, which ended on November 11, 1918
*** w60 5/15 p. 312 Jehovah Has Become King ***
Just how long this war in heaven lasted the Bible does not say. However, in view of what other prophecies reveal about Jehovah and his Son coming to the spiritual temple of God for judgment in 1918, it follows that the war in heaven must have been over at least by then.
*** w94 12/15 pp. 13-14 par. 2 United in the Perfect Bond of Love ***
Jehovah’s great adversary has long been known as a resister (Satan) and a slanderer (Devil). But this deceiver now has taken on another sinister role—he has become an angry god! Why? Because he was thrown out of heaven by Michael and his angels in the war that began in heaven in 1914.
*** w59 2/15 p. 110 par. 8 The Divine Will Done in Heaven and Earth ***
In a prophetic preview of that heavenly war that began in 1914, the apostle John says: “Neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan
Thanks to you all, for these comments or references.