Orientation Session For Eutapro

by larc 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    You may wonder why some people jumped on you so hard. It is because you came here proclaiming yourself an intellectual, a scholar, or what ever you called yourself. Now, that is bad form. There are many intellectuals here. Farkel is an intellectual, a brilliant writer, and classical pianist. AlanF is an intellectual who has extensive credentials in engineering and science. He can write on any subject with reason, logic, and intelligence. JanH is an intellectual with strong formal training in religious history, and is well versed in many subjects. Now, did any of these people walk in on day one, and pronounce their unique abilities. No, they earned our respect. So, the only way you will garner our respect is to demonstrate your giftedness with posts that have content. So far, you have thrown out one term, classical conditioning, but have done nothing to demonstrate what this concept is about, or when it is applicable.

    As OUTLAW pointed out, I will chase you around like a rabbit if you keep this up.

  • Soledad

    ditto and ditto. Im getting quite irritated about those posts now. They all come in here with such arrogance--it's beginning to piss me off.

  • Hyghlandyr

    Then there is Hyghlandyr.

  • larc


    I like ya man, and I hope to see you at the next Zizinnatti gathering. I won't debate you in person, because I am kinda slow on the one on one. Well, if I have few beers then.....maybe.

  • larc


    People who come in here with arrogance, should remember the scripture, "Pride goeth before a fall."

    Also, remember another thing. You said you were getting pissed off? It is better to be pissed off than pissed on.

  • Eutapro

    Mr larc

    Please check the CC and Objectivity threads for my comments, sir.

  • aluminutty

    Please, please, please, sir (vomit) dispense with the over abundant use of honorifics. Not only is it in bad taste, but, it’s pretentious and condescending, as well. While your at it, you may want to stop playing games, too. Lyers suck; trolls suck; lying Crotch Tower trolls suck even more, but, you being a lying Crotch Tower troll who insists on using Mr. And sir in every adversarial post you spew forth suck most of all.

  • Eutapro

    Please, please, please, sir (vomit) dispense with the over abundant use of honorifics. Not only is it in bad taste, but, it’s pretentious and condescending, as well. While your at it, you may want to stop playing games, too. Lyers suck; trolls suck; lying Crotch Tower trolls suck even more, but, you being a lying Crotch Tower troll who insists on using Mr. And sir in every adversarial post you spew forth suck most of all.]

    Some of us were taught manners, sir. Now if being polite bothers you, sir, then maybe you need to ignore my use of honorifics. I was merely showing respect for my elders and for those who have accomplished so much in academia like Mr larc evidently has.

    When have I lied? Could you please help me to understand what you are talking about, sir. I have tried to be upfront as possible. What more do you want?

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