Teaching Creationism As Science Now Banned In All UK Public Schools

by cantleave 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave
  • cofty

    Long overdue. There is an academy in Newcastle funded by wealthy christian car dealer Peter Vardy who has been getting away with teaching fairy stories for decades.

    How long until they whinge about persecution?

    Muslim schools will also have to teach actual science.

    The Guardian...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    What year is this?

  • cofty

    The Guardian article is 2002

    The new law is just last week

  • cantleave

    BOC - Most schools in the UK have had this policy for decades, but there have been some state founded free schools that have been teaching creationism as "theory".

  • 88JM

    Will this apply to home schooling as well?

    I know the school inspectors were not pleased that they found some schools using the "A.C.E. textbooks" - many home schoolers will still use them though.

  • cantleave

    88JM - Sadly this won't apply to home schooling.

  • Wild_Thing

    I wish they would pass something like this in America.

  • Phizzy

    I saw an interview by Jeremy Paxman on BBC TV's "Newsnight" about a week ago on this subject, the guy representing a School where Creationism was taught tried to say that it was a Theory on a par with Evolution and should be taught so that children have a choice.

    Sadly Paxmen went way down in my estimation by not leaping upon this absolute nonsense, at least the token Science representative said "But you are teaching children a lie."

    Which about sums it up.

  • cantleave

    Phizzy, Paxman is just thinking about how to spend his fortune during his impending retirement.

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