I hear it all the time.
People who decide it isn't the truth and leave are said to deep down know they're leaving the truth, choosing instead whatever ideology suits their imperfect desires. In the new DVD the little kid asks why people believe in evolution and the dad basically says people believe whatever they want. The actual issue is never actually addresed though: "did life evolve?" ...because if so the bible got that wrong. Those are big implications. I for one think the matter should be looked into regardless of the implications. Yet nothing is done to find an actual answer... other than filling your head with stuff that confirms what you want to believe: that the bible is infallible and Jehovah's Witnesses are God's only chosen organization aka the only way to be happy (...oh and maybe probably not be murdered and eaten by birds at the joyful time of Armageddon).
I'm sure this has been discussed before but I think it's a major issue that guilts allot of people into staying. I know I feel guilty as hell for questioning and delving into facts, so it must work...if I leave because I don't believe it well that must be because I just want to pursue my own selfish desires and I'm rationalizing it... 'making excuses'.
There's allot that could be said about the DVD but this is one major reasoning I've noticed time and again lately. Thoughts? Can you CHOOSE to believe something that is demonstratabley false? If so, is that true belief or is it delusion? It's almost like either way the concept of truth itself gets left out of the equation.