My coworker actually was involved in training me, and I used to be a quiet good little JW when he met me. I first shared information about him on this forum 7 years ago when he was just starting to learn that I was no longer going to the Kingdom Hall.
So I had a chance to catch up with him. He went to the Kingdom Hall less and less over these years. His step-son hated it and he had another baby since my first post about him and both of the little ones wanted birthdays and holidays and a normal life. His wife caved in and let them do BOTH- Kingdom Hall stuff and "worldly" stuff.
The worldly stuff won out. She started dreading going to the meetings and stopped altogether. My coworker says the elders stopped calling after a bit. I asked if she was kicked out and he said "I don't know." He also said she replaced JW's with selling Avon and that almost seemed like a cult to him. I asked what he preferred and he said the kids were free to do what they want so Avon was way better.