Ok, this seems to be one the verses:
"After that the Dan′ites set up the carved image for themselves, and Jon′a·than the son of Ger′shom, the son of Moses, and his sons became priests to the tribe of the Dan′ites until the day that the inhabitants of the land went into exile. "(Judges 18:30)
However, due to my ignorance, I still don't understand why the allusion of the grandson of Moses (Jonathan) in the above verse suggest that he lived in the time Samuel. Samuel lived before the year 1000 BCE, and the above verse seems to be located chronologicaly after the time of Samson. So, if the time after Samson's death is close to Samuel's time, it would mean that the grandson of Moses lived around 1100 BCE?....if so, the Exodus could not happen around the year 1500 BCE, because the grandson of Moses could not be alive around the year 1100 BCE.
Am I right???
Any thoughts???