Biblical Black & White Proof that The Watchtower is Apostate

by objectivetruth 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • objectivetruth

    I recently sent this to a former friend that called me an Apostate.. It's really straight forward, and there is really no way to get around it for the Watchtower. (Not that the Bible matters to Witnesses, but it's good info)

    - Apostasy.. That's an interesting Term, do you know when it was first used in the New Testament?

    From the Insight Book under the Term "Apostasy".."The religious leaders of Jerusalem charged Paul with such an apostasy against the Mosaic Law." Acts 21:21 "But they have heard it rumored about you that you have been teaching all the Jews among the nations an apostasy from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or to follow the customary practices."

    Paul was (falsely) accused of Apostasy... And the Elders in Jerusalem brought it to his attention. The Reason? Some one had falsely Reported that Paul was teaching that Circumcision of a new Born child on the 8th day was no longer necessary.

    What did the Elders and Paul do about this Accusation? They asked him to Prove that this was a false Accusation! "everyone will know that there is nothing to the rumors they were told about you, but that you are walking orderly and you are also keeping the Law." (Acts 21:24 b)

    The Council in Jerusalem found at Acts 15:6-35 took Place in 50 AD The False accusations of Paul's False Teachings were made 8 Years Later in 58 AD

    Now let's see what the Governing Body has to Teach Modern day Gentiles about The Mosaic Law and Circumsicion.

    "Not Required of Christians. After Jehovah showed his acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian congregation, and since many from the nations were responding to the preaching of the good news, a decision had to be made by the governing body at Jerusalem on the question, Is it necessary for Gentile Christians to get circumcised in the flesh? The conclusion of the matter: The “necessary things” for Gentiles and Jews alike did not include circumcision" .Ac 15:6-29.

    To Recap :

    • In 58 AD Paul was accused of Apostasy.
    • The Charge of Apostasy, was that he was Teaching The Gentiles that Infant Circumsicion was no longer a Requirement.
    • The Elders in Jerusalem brought this to his attention.
    • The Elders in Jerusalem formulated a Plan, for him to Prove that these Rumors were untrue.
    • The Plan would Prove that Paul was walking orderly andkeeping the Mosaic Law.
    • The Current Governing Body teaches the Gentiles that Infant Circumsicion is no longer a Requirement.
    • The Current Governing Body Claims that the First Century Governing Body, made this Decesion came to this Conclusion in Jerusalem in 50 AD
    • Why Would the Elders (Who Attended the Jerusalem Meeting in 50 AD, along with Paul..) Be so concerned 8 Years Later when someone had Accused Paul of teaching something that they had decided on 8 Years Previous, to be acceptable???

    So.. Is the Bible Wrong, or is the Governing Body in Reality teaching the Apostasy, that Paul was accused of?

  • opusdei1972

    Very interesting point. I will do my own research about that. But, if that was the case, may it was because no Jewish christian knew any governing body. May be they did not think that the apostles were divine authorities as the current members of governing body in Brooklyn think they are.

    Another possibility is that for jewish christians, the Law of Moses was more authoritative than the apostles. Furthermore, early christians were not so organized.

  • objectivetruth

    The Apostles confirmed that Circumcision of Adult Males was not Necessary, this Regulation fell under the Abrahamic Covenant.

    The Mosaic Law requires Infants to be Circumsised at 8 Days Old.. All of the Apostles Upheld the Mosaic Law until their Death.

    These 2 Requirements have nothing to do with each other.. However the Watchtower Bundles all Circumcision together, and Says that it is not Required at all..

    Opus.. I see that you are new here. If you are Interested in Biblical Truth vs. Watchtower Dosctine, I'd enjoy showing you some of my Research.. I have broken down Every Watchtower teaching against the Bible. And I have Extensive Notes and Research on each..

    If you're interested in Discussing any of it, please PM me. It's rare that some one leaves the Organization as anything Except an Atheist or an Agnostic, so I'm always pleased to see some one that is Still Concerned with Yahweh and His Word.

    Take Care

  • sarahsmile

    Where in the bible does it state these dates?

    Counsel of Jersulem took place in 50 AD.

    False accusation were made eight years later,in 58 AD.

    I am not very good with chronology but learned that no matter what dating time line in the bible is kind of hard to do.

    In Acts a letter did go out to the Gentiles referring to Acts 15:1. Anyhow Acts 15:28 does not list circumcision as a requirement.

    As you know some came from Judea preaching false doctrine: People could not be save unless circumcised. Acts 15:1

    Jehovahs Witness are right infant circumcision is not required. Most circumcision are usually performed on babies. However, these versus were about people and not infants! There were a group stirring up problems for Paul. Acts 15:1 abd prior. Circumcision was never a commandement for salvation.

    The problem was not only circumcision but customs.

    It caused a great deal of problem for Paul that probably lasted for years. Maybe longer than eight years.

    No such thing as a Governing Body in Paul's Christian group. WTBTS made up this concept to get modern day followers to believe there was a GB in Paul's time. It helps reader believe into the concept more, and they probably they they are fullfilling earlier Christianity.

    The bible is not wrong!

    The on going attempts to use chronology and date to certain events are a bit over kill. I learned from 1914.

    The WTs use of manipulation to get ones to believe in the GB is wrong. Makes them a cult!

    WT teaching of infant circumsision is no longer a requrement is right but not in the context of scripture qouted because it was not about children but all new Christian Gentiles.

    WT is wrong on trying to use chronology to prove Pauls dates of 50 AD. No such thing as a FIRST century GB. ekks!

    Because the years did not matter they sought to kill Paul. Some Jewish people wanted him dead. Paul preached Jesus Christ.

    I answered all you question now it is your turn

    Did you noticed the Holy Spirit "says"in Acts 20:10.

    Prophet Agabus prophesied about what was going to happen to Paul?

    Which came true!

    Paul was ready to be bound for the Lord Jesus? not Jah! 14 and 15 The Lord's will be done? Referring to Jesus Christ.


    There were four daughter that were prophetess and a prophet Agabus.

    Agabus gives Paul a message, "says the Holy Spirit." And it happened.

    What the Holy Spirit says and told Paul. Now that goes against me Jw teachings! A force that says!

    No dates used

    Paul was ready to be bound for the Lord Jesus.

    And they said Lord's will be done.

    Gentiles were given a written letter that did not state circumcision Acts 15:29

    You are to abstain from foods sacrfice to idols, from blood, and from meat of strangled animals. All of these have something to do with foods not blood tranfusions!

    One needs to drain meat and pour the blood out before eating. Last one sexual immorality. Not my business.

    Gentiles would do well to avoid these things.

    Hope that adds to your list!

  • Phizzy

    Paul had got up the noses of the Jewish Christians and they accused him of Apostasy (a "standing apart from") , Apostasy that is from his birth religion which he still observed, and which all Jewish Christians did at the time, the Temple being still fully functioning.

    The Acts 15 stuff is to do with converts to Christianity who remain Gentile, if they converted to Judaism too they would be expected to be circumcised themselves and to circumcise their male offspring on the eighth day.

    If they were Gentile Christians, they only had to make sure they did not upset their Jewish Christian brethren by their diet, by idolatry or by fornication.

    The Watchtower certainly do not teach "Bible truth", but to challenge them on the basis of the account of the accusation against Paul is a dead end street.

    There are far easier ways to show the WT/JW's to be guilty of gross error.

  • sarahsmile

    Phizzy I enjoy how easy and clear you explain things! :-)

    There is a need to post Bibical topic to prove how WT abuses scripture. No such thing as a far easier when a light gets brighter.

    It is how that is important.

    JW Lurkers need to see and compare WT false truths versus bible scriptures.

    Lurkers need to see how others read scriptures different from WT.

    That is what this forum is about to help JW and this is one of the first steps.

    ObjectiveofTruth great job on a thinking concept.

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