Dear GB: Please give me my panda's back, pretty please...

by suavojr 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    New Book about the Kingdom and JW's history

    They are pushing this overlapping generation and with this graph we can see how they have a short time before they are forced to adjust this "New Light"

    The 3 Musketeers. They talk about how the great crowd has grown, therefore I don't see them touching this doctrine anytime soon.

    Anyone remembers some of these? My family started with the pink one, how about yours?

    The GB is not afraid to show they used the cross. SO THERE YOU NASTY APOSTATES!

    This book cannot get printed with the elite

    When was the last time you saw an elder risking his life to help a doubting or fragile JW sheep? YOU TELL ME, WHEN?

    The GB keeps talking about 1914

    Here it is! Our favorite dooms day religion cannot print a book and not show us the grusome reality of God's judgement day. See how the 144,000 are transported up to heaven in Star Trek style, BAM, ZAP, PRESTO,GONE!

    Now you've done it. Jesus is pissed and coming to get you

    After killing billions of men, women and babies, Jesus and his daddy are happy and have quenched their thirst for blood of indefensible little humans.

    Notice how the GB decided not to include anymore pandas, I wonder what happened with our pandas? I WANT MY DAM PANDA!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Sorry, all the pandas are apostate now.

  • stuckinarut2

    the pictures look so bad!

    like the old publications from decades ago...

    surely with modern technology they could have made more realistic pictures!?

  • suavojr

    The pictures have a look and feel of the Revelation book

  • prologos

    yeah, communal baking ovens? where is the unleavened bread? no more memorials?

  • Focus

    Where's the sword that the NWT claims is coming out of his mouth?

    The dirty dogs don't even know their own scrapture.



    ("Visible Parousia" Class)

  • suavojr

    Oops I guess they forgot about that

  • fastJehu

    This week in a shopping center (nice panda - nice girl - like in paradise)

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