Catching up after putting life on hold while a JW.....

by EndofMysteries 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    It's only been a couple of years since I fully woke up to TTATT. Although it's....almost never too late to turn your life around, definitely the older you are, the harder it will be.

    I had put marriage, school, traveling, and 'worldly goals' aside because the end was 'just around the corner' and those things shouldn't be pursued. I was just about 30 when I really started to wake up. In just a few years I've done extensive traveling, engaged, on a path to getting a degree, and a path to being financially secure and wealthy. I'm just glad not a moment more of time went by and that I'll be able to salvage a big chunk of the rest of my life to not being wasted.

  • Divergent

    Marriage shouldn't be pursued?? Wow.. you really were taking things to an extreme...

    "Let them marry" - 1 Cor 7: 36

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    You have realized that catching up really means taking hold of a future of your own making. Not everyone will acheive all those things when they catch up, but once we take hold of our own future we will achieve similar goals. Some of us have already done things once unthinkable that our chained minds would not allow. Good for you. Everyone else? That's the challange isn't it? To take hold of your future and see what is possible for you? Good luck everyone. You can do whatever is within your grasp.

  • JWdaughter

    I'm glad to hear you are not letting regrets about the past stop you from taking the actions you need to for the future. I think some of us get paralyzed by the old WT thinking. You, clearly, have chosen to not take the disability route (downtrodden victim). Good for you!

  • Xanthippe

    EoM congratulations on your engagement! Well done on being on the way to a degree, great news. You've really turned your life around in a short time.

  • EndofMysteries

    Thank you for the responses. Yes I agree Wasanelder. Everyone is taught not to prepare for dying of old age.

    What helped me and what my mindset after learning TTATT was like this......

    1. First seeking answers and discovering my own faith.

    2. WHILE doing that, I thought to myself, "Okay, I just may be living here until I die of old age, so instead of waiting and having life on hold until the end, if I am going to die of old age, what do I want to do, what do I want to accomplish, what do I want my financial situation to be, etc, and with the time left?" Then I did a lot of research into how to do those things and accomplish those goals I wanted and went at it.

    It may not be easy either. With family, friends, etc, and some married, etc. Then you need to consider if they are unwilling to be flexible, if you do things that allow them to be in full contact/etc between now and the end of your life will you be happier having done that or made your own choices even if it means they will keep you mostly out of their life?

    Another important thing! Consider the amount of time left and what you may sacrifice. It's great if you can keep good family connections. If you in a situation where it's pretending to be a jw or lose parents, if pretending to be a jw means you don't ever do anything you want and you end up in poverty, you may have two choices. Choice A - when they have died and you have years remaining you are happy you had that time with them even though most opportunities are lost to you now. Choice B - Even though sad you missed out on family, all other aspects of your life are fullfilling and you started your own family.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I wish I would have gotten out sooner. But, better late than never!

  • LivingTheDream

    EndofMysteries -

    Well done! I'm always happy when I hear ex-JW repudiate the Watch Tower induced tendency to suppress personal fulfillment. It's a trap most JWs seems to be in and even some ex JWs still fall for this mindset. I'm so very glad to see you claiming your sucesses. So celebrate them! After all, happiness and success is the best revenge for all those people who think your "leaving the Truth" was a mistake.

    I have very strong feelings about this particular topic myself because I thought it would be too late for me at one point, and I was even older than you were when I finally "woke up".

    My story about this subject is here: You can lead an elder to college, but you can't make him think

    Brock Talon

  • LongHairGal


    It is good that you got out rather young. Some are not as fortunate.

    But, even if somebody gets out at a more advanced age, that is good AS long as they are trying to be happy and positive and not consumed with bitterness. I know it's hard but they have to try or else they aren't really free! I know what I'm talking about and it took a while.

    That oppressive religion was a load of bricks and it is a relief to be rid of it.

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