In Barbara Anderson's research for the Proclaimers Book she was tasked with identifying the Faithful & Discreet Slave throughout history. The idea was the Watchtower could identify a line of Kingdom Proclaimers from the days of the Apostles. She was not able to do this with the established criteria, that the individual had to adhere to the basic doctrinal beliefs seperating JW's from "false religion".
It seems that Governing Body would now agree. The most recent change in understanding regarding the Faithful & Discreet Slave moved the appointment until 1919.
This means that Charles Russell is no longer part of the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class. Why? It seems that Russell no longer fits the criteria the current GB is using for the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class.
The current teaching is that the governing body is synonymous with the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class. There was no governing body in Russell's day. A Board of Directors was selected after Russell's death to take the lead of the Society's affairs. The Watchtower considers this to be the first "governing body" and also the first "faithful slave".
It is another way of self-validating the Governing Body as Jehovah's chosen channel.