Inactive relative defends new donation setup based on word of active relative. Doubts veracity of letters!

by Wasanelder Once 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    My sister came to the society's defense on the issue of "pledged amounts" not being accurate because a realative stated that it didn't happen in her congregation. So I said they were mistaken, and that I had access to the letters proving it. She doubted that they were authentic. "It's from apostates!" So I found them and downloaded the PDF files and read them closely. Only in congregations without a previous loan or resolution are to take a confidential survey of individual publishers. It is great that its in the section that is NOT TO BE READ to the publishers!

    Her daughter's congregation owes a loan and had a payment amount so no survey was necessary. That's why she didn't know. So I emailed the PDF's to the relative so they can read it for themselves Do you have inactive family that are loyal even though they dont give a crap about any of the requirements the society makes? Total worldly people except that kneejerk loyalty? Its so damn annoying. How do you deal with it?

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    For what it is worth, no pledges have been taken in our local congregation either. The loan was announced to be paid off and not a word since

  • LostGeneration

    You can lead a horse to water.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Total worldly people except that kneejerk loyalty?

    It's nearly impossible to take the WT out of some people.


    Total worldly people except that kneejerk loyalty? Its so damn annoying. How do you deal with it?..

    I know people who have been inactive 30+ years..

    Inactive JWs still think they`re JWs..You won`t convince them otherwise..

    It`s not worth the effort..

    .............................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • sparrowdown

    I have found with many sisters, they have never been exposed to the darker side of the congregation like many of the bro's have been.

    Especially bros' that have served or reached out. These sisters are the hardest to convince, simply because they have never experienced it.

  • Focus

    I know people who have been inactive 30+ years.. Inactive JWs still think they`re JWs..You won`t convince them otherwise..

    But I might, though it will be a bit late to do them any good.

    The Watchtower has promised my brethren their corpses to feed on in Paradise Earth.

    Here, from "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained", an official Watchtower Society publication, on pages 208-9:

    "..they shall look in amazement one at another; their faces shall be faces of flame .. Soul-chilling terror will spread through the masses or people so that they will lose control of themselves; they will begin killing one another .. On that say a great panic from the LORD (Jehovah) shall fall on them .. every man's sword shall be against his brother .. But their selfish fight to live will be all in vain. Those who escape being killed by their neighbors will be destroyed by God's heavenly armies .. angels will smite all the opposers of God's kingdom and his kingdom witnesses with a terrible destruction. A flesh-eating plague will destroy many. Says Jehovah: Their flesh shall rot while they are still on their feet, their eyes shall rot in their sockets, and their tongues shall rot in their mouths .. Eaten up will be the tongues of those who scoffed and laughed a tthe warning of Armageddon! Eaten up will be the eyes of those who refused to see the sign of the 'time of the end'! Eaten up will be the flesh of those who would not learn that the living and true God is named Jehovah! Eaten up while they stand on their feet! Where con people hide from this destruction coming from God? Nowhere!.. Not one of them shall escape.. Question 26. What kind of plague will Jehovah bring upon those who fight against his people?".

    The fowls of the air don't get every last bit, You Know. All those delicious bodies, many of inactive jWs, some probably not quite dead, certainly still twitching attractively, and large packs of hungry leopards... yummy!

    7.4 billion in total... what a feast!

    My own favorite bits are tongues and eyeballs. I hope they won't be too-Zechariahed.

    Just want to make sure we 'pards can get vaccinated as we wouldn't want to catch those nasty plagues from the bodies.

    Truly, Jehovah is Great!



    ("Thanks to the Provider!" Class)

  • HeyThere

    What is it with this sick obsession. The wt has with a bloody death of billions! And what a disgusting description which I am sure children had the pleasure of "studying this food provided by jehovah through the faithful and discreet (barbarian like) slave" can otherwise normal, loving, caring, smart people listen to this and think it's good???? Wtf?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Eaten up will be the flesh of those who would not learn that the living and true God is named Jehovah a grammatically impossible fiction created by a 13th century Catholic monk!

  • Focus

    Focus wrote:

    My own favorite bits are ... eyeballs.

    HeyThere wrote:

    What is it with this sick obsession.

    You dare to question the Holey Will? What makes you think God's Sole Non-Prophet, Yes-Profit Whoreganization is obsessed with DESTRUCTION?

    AndDontCallMeShirley wrote:

    [Depraved, apostatical material excised]

    Now, as I'm a theocratically-inclined puss with a Babble-trained-"conscious", I will make it clear that at some eyeballs, I will draw the line.

    Who can trust the judgement of someone with eyes like that?



    ("I'll leave this one for the Fowls of the Air" Class)

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