Hi there tazchick55 here need your assistance I am trying to locate an elder who molested my sister when she was 16 Without publishing his name his initials r J C he bounced around Montana with his wife and another woman Gawd only know what was up with that. They never stayed in one place long I believe wify and friend were pioneers He was an elder in the Bozeman/Belgrade about 1976 or there about There is a good chance he is dead (one can only hope he died a painful death at any rate if you have any information let me know Thanks
Elder molester - Montana - 1970s - need your help please
by tazchick55 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hi tazchick55... Welcome to JWN.
I am sorry. I don't know any JW's from Montana.
Just to clarify your OP.. Are his initials "JC" or "RJC"?Possibly a suggestion, since you want to find people with knowledge of Montana, specifically the Bozeman area, I would edit your thread title to read: "Elder molester Montana in the 1970's. Need Your Help Please".
PS After you post you have up to 30 minutes to edit or delete whatever you wrote. Just use the little yellow pencil on your upper right.
PSS I am sorry your sister was hurt this way. I hope she is okay.
No she died in December 2012 serious alcahol problem. she started drinking big time after that thank you for the tip
Are his initials "JC" or "RJC"?
The "r" was an abbreviation for "are", I think, LLlfS.
AND, tazchick55, EDIT THE SUBJECT OF THE POST as suggested.
Also, send a PM to:
AndersonsInfo here:
Focus("Helpful" Class)
PS - edited the topic title to be more specific
I can see this board been used as a means to find these scum bags. No doubt you are aware of the Greg Sassa experience a few days ago.
I was there in Bozeman at that time as a kid. email me [email protected]
Maybe I know you
Just looking at this crap is nauseating for me......I did notice (maybe it's just me) that the big tendon in the neck that runs from shoulder to ear of the woman holding the baby looked rather penis-like......
zed is dead
Welcome, and good luck finding your information.
Pedophilia is a local problem that happens everywhere. I am sorry that you lost your sister.