I've been out so long but many of my ex-jws friends have been telling me of a "new" donation/tithing arrangement the WTS is using today. When I was a JWs we had "contribution" boxes at the back of the KH and the elders would give talks about contributing to the Kingdom interest. We were not forced to give but gave as we pleased. Now I hear it is like the tithing in the churches is this true? JWs always used to bash the churches about begging for money and I find it hard to believe they would do the exact same thing now. I could be wrong but can someone please explain this new arrangement for me?
I'm confused! Just what is the "new" donation arrangement and how is it like "tithing"?
by booker-t 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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Like so many things JW, it is exactly like tithing except they don't (of course) call it tithing.
Wasanelder Once
I was confused on this too. It turns out that they want a regular donation amount from the congregation. If the congregation has a current loan payment they are encouraged to at least match that amount. They "forgave" all loans but expect them to donate this amount without a payoff in sight. Perhaps this leads to the tithe thinking; congregations without a current loan are encouraged to take a confidential survey of how much a publisher can donate each month. Then when they total these pledges they are to make a motion for the congregation to donate that much each month. I suppose that is what some are viewing as "Tithing". I think its just plain extortion. Not all congregations are doing the survey thing. So they dont know about it. Only those without an outstanding loan are to do that. Same result different scam. Read ALL of the text in the letters, it clarified things for me.
I think the biggest stink was the fact that they sent a 3 page letter saying one thing and yet only 1 page ended up been read out to the congregation saying another thing.
This is not tithing in any sense of the word. It is coercive, manipulative and defiitely a money grab.
Congregations are supposed to come to an agreement on an amount to send to the org. every month for the "world wide work" and while they are not legally obligated, they will be directed to/understand that it is their moral and ethical obligation to pony up-no matter how much it hurts. There are always certain ones in a congregation who will make up the difference if they possibly can. These are sometimes well off bros and sisters, and sometimes are the ones that are known as soft touches-even if they are not well off. It's less about deep pockets than open ones.
In the meantime, they are supposed to send all spare monies in their congregation bank accounts (beyond 3 mos operating costs) straight to that same donation fund. All this in lieu of paying for KH mortgages anymore. However, they will be required to pony up for "minor" repairs and maintenance of the KH. Any homowner knows that there is rarely such a thing as a minor expense when repairs are involved. How much less so when you have parking lots, security fences, large HVAC and multiple bathrooms, sometimes apartments, huge roofs. . . well, this is clearly going to cause issues down the road.
I have already heard of 3 congregation having local needs parts, because, they have not given enough money to cover all the new DEBT!
If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
...it sure as hell ain't a chicken (no matter what the WTS might like you to believe).