Sample Presentation?

by moSIS 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • moSIS

    (I still feel like maybe I'm not posting my questions in the right place. I only see three options, so this has to be the right place, right?)

    Hey, I'm back! Thanks for the help last time. Would you please help me with another of my questions?

    Okay, so there's an older sister in my hall who I am really close with and she's been having some troubles lately and she won't be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow. She just called me and asked if I would do her part for her and I said yes without even thinking. Turns out it's the part about offering magazines in July! Now, I've seen a million presentations, and my attendance is getting A LOT better, but I haven't been able to regularly make it to weekday meetings in quite some time. What I've noticed is that the people giving the presentations for the magazines on stage tend to present the sample presentation almost verbatim! Should I do the same?

    I look forward to hearing from you!


  • Crazyguy

    I like to tell the householder that "i'm one of jehovahs witnesses and that in 1919 we believe with out any biblical evidence that Jesus picked us as the only true religion. We also believe that armagedon is coming soon and that if you don't join us your going to die"" Then I wait for a response from the householder... Maybe you should try this presentation, its quick to the piont and no wasting time, since were almost ot of time anyway with armegedon being so close and all....

  • Splash

    Hi moSIS,

    It depends on who the brother is taking the item.
    If he's a stickler for detail then you're better off using the sample presentation, even if it sounds weird for the area you live in.

    eg, WT presentation adapted from the KM.
    You: Since God is almighty, do you think that he should be held responsible for all the bad things that happen in the world?
    Them: Yes, if he has the power to stop these things but doesn't, that makes Him complicit, doesn't it?
    You: Well here at James 1:13 it says "With evil things God cannot be tried, neither does he try anyone"
    Them: What does it mean to 'try' someone?
    You: It means he doesn't 'tempt' anyone.
    Them: But even if He doesn't tempt you directly, He still allows these things to happen.
    You: Well this magazine explains why bad things happen and what God will do to end evil and suffering.

    Awake! presentation adapted from the KM.
    You: Sooner or later almost everyone is faced with some type of tragedy, such as a natural disaster, a life threatening illness, or the death of a loved one. When this happens do you think it's important to keep a positive attitude?
    Them: I think that humans have a natural grieving process that has to run it's course, despite what we'd like to happen.
    You: Many people have found the Bible to be helpful in coping with tragedies. Here in Romans 15:4 it says "from the comfort of the scriptures we might have hope".
    Them: What about the billions of people around the world who don't have access to the Bible?
    You: This magazine explains how the Bible can help us when we experience a tragedy.


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