Hi all, just happened to come across this site again after 10 or 12 years - I see some old posts of mine under a diff username (can't reopen the account, forgot the freakin' password). I left the borg in 1977, age 21, haven't looked back but every now and then I am amazed to find there's some old, old attitude from the JW days that I find is still clinging to my pants leg like a stray sticker.
Looking over some of the posts here and some linked ex-JW sites yesterday it finally hit me - it IS an effing cult. When I was in, we were always accused of being that, so naturally we totally spouted the Society's line and got all defensive, etc. - and I guess and hope that's the last of the rotten JW thinking still with me. But seeing comments here and other sites finally brought home to me that it really, truly is a cult - a "corporation cult" I would call it - totally gray, bland, and boring - not at all mystical, psychedelic, or beads-and-incense which is what lots of people think a cult is. But a totally lying, wicked, mind-controlling, deadly, heartless, and totally UN-godly cult.
Just to clarify: I have realized all the above for many years - it was just the word "cult" I was still subconsciously in denial about.
I feel so stupid just now realizing this and no doubt most of you long since got that. Just wanted to say it "out loud" as it were, in front of people who know what I mean, and what it means to me. Of course I feel so stupid too having swallowed it all hook line and sinker but I was young - and you all drank the kool-aid too, so you can relate. Peace, y'all.