The owners of are very honest and decent individuals, he and she allow freedom of speech and the allowance of exchanging ideas. This is not the case with other Active and Ex-JW information sites (Won't Post them, you know who they are) that refuse our allowance to disagree or point out their chronic slanted and often distorted perspective. The Watchtower provides us with enough material there is no reason we need to twist their material. The Watchtower is not afraid of losing their credibility by grossly misqouting Bible Scholars such as William Barclay, Jason BeDuhn, Herman Heinfetter, George Horner, ect.. On JWN I learned how many Evolutionary Scientists our books lied about and how the "Writing Department" perverted the meaning of their articles and ideas. Some of us consciously go beyond what the Watchtower writers mean by our exaggerated phrases and appeals to emotion, strawman arguments, why? I think it's revenge, we are so hurt by the inhumane conduct by the Watchtower we amp up anger, tell black and white lies and misrepresentations, even to the point of ignoring common sense.
A suggestion: next time you read one of their emotionally wrenching articles, step back mentally and see if you can sort out the facts from the emotional presentation. If you can, you'll realize how much fluff is added to the mix.
Why should anyone care? Again I repeat, because there are legitimate and powerful facts that sink the Watchtower's ship and can be presented powerfully on their own. But in this case (the website I mean), exceptionally biased articles and essays (frequently along the lines of "woe is me, my life is over") actually dilute the facts and make the whole argument weaker. Promoting their own logical fallacies and appeals to emotion isn't really useful if their intent is to point out the WT's fallacies and appeals to emotion. And don't you dare disagree with them. For them, it's all about the emotion.
That's why I love this site...plenty of actual analysis and fact and not so much slant. Eventually all roads lead back to JWN because JWNer's are not afraid to attack false claims on either side. Kudo's to JWN, thank you for allowing us to exchange ideas by allowing the community to post ideas you may or may not be fond of.