Someone on my Facebook posted this. Some dummy got a pamphlet that talked about the convention, the "one world government and who can lead" pamphlet. He proceeds to go on a righteously indignant tirade about how JWs say they're Christian but want a one world government, "the very thing the Bible warns about!"
Another gem: "The more interesting aspect of the Jehovah's Witness sect might lie in the fact that the organization has historically been apolitical, as members are not supposed to even vote. However, with the group now pushing the idea of a One-World Government as established by man, which, once again, is an adjunct of the New World Order, the argument could easily be made that the cult has apparently made the decision to veer hard Left and directly into the ranks of Big Government Statists."
Seriously, what an idiot haha. I'm not even a JW and I know they're talking about Jesus and the time after the "end of the world." A TEENY TINY bit of research could have explained this for him. I just thought I'd share.