Happy Memorial Day

by Perry 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Just wishing a happy Memorial Day to everyone! We had some friends over, barbecued and let the kids run around slap crazy playing cops and robbers and hide and go seek.

    We have so many freedoms that those under tyranny do not have. I give a hearty bow to all those who gave their life so I could be free.

  • truthseeker100
    Happy memorial day Perry. I wish you and the whole US a Happy Memorial Day from Canada.
  • millie210


    Lots of splashing in the pool here!

  • LisaRose
    I had a wonderful weeknd, went to a bed and breakfast in Sutter Creek California, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. This was the heart of the California gold country, but is becoming more known as wine country these days. We did some wine tasting and had a really nice time.
  • OnTheWayOut
  • cappytan
    Did you get done before it started raining? Or did the weather cut you short?
  • Perry

    Hi Cappytan,

    Back porch was covered, we grilled there. House got turned into a playground with 5 kids. It stopped raining long enough for a good long walk though.

    My son and I built a rocket with a 2000 ft. capacity. Our plan was to shoot it off on Memorial Day. With a 500 foot cloud ceiling, we decided against.

    We're still looking for a Landa Park re-do some Saturday with you all..... if it ever stops raining.

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