A Bunch Of Birthday Cards
This store really hit me hard. This world is just full of suffering but let's try to make this little boy's dream come true.
And for any lurking active JW,please note that apostes are not cruel and evil monsters.
Danny’s birthday is July 25. All cards can be mailed the Nickerson’s home addressed: Danny Nickerson, P.O. Box 212, Foxboro, MA, 02035.
A 5-year-old Massachusetts boy battling cancer said all he wants for his upcoming birthday is a box of birthday cards.
Danny Nickerson, of Foxboro, Massachusetts, will turn six on July 25. He was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor this past October -- one of the most chemotherapy-resistant cancers. As a result, he has since stopped going to kindergarten.
The boy gets lonely from time to time, and is always happy to get cards with his name written on them.
“He can recognize his name now,” Carley Nickerson, Danny’s mother told ABC News. “When he saw his name on the package from magical fairies on Easter, he was so happy.”
But the packages and cards stopped after Easter.
“He had 33 radiations from November through December last year,” Nickerson said. “We are now getting chemo therapy every two weeks.”
Doctors tell Nickerson that less than 10 percent of the children diagnosed with this type of cancer live longer than 18 months.
“I don’t really believe in that. He is doing great,” Nickerson said. “Every day is a blessing for us,”
So far, Danny has received about 40 letters.
“I gave him to key to the P.O. box,” Nickerson said. “He was so excited when he opened it.”
Nickerson said Danny loves Lego and Super Mario.
“I wish Lego makes Super Mario toys,” Nickerson chuckled. “That would really make him happy.”
Danny’s birthday is July 25. All cards can be mailed the Nickerson’s home addressed: Danny Nickerson, P.O. Box 212, Foxboro, MA, 02035.