Physical concert! Glenn Miller Orchestra

by zeb 3 Replies latest social physical

  • zeb

    Having booked an age ago to see GMO I was so glad the date came up given all the sad news of late. We have a new concert hall in our city here in W.Australia and they played it to a treat. The music was original and alive the singers, dancers .. were a vision splendid.

    Check their website to see if they are heading your way!

  • cultBgone

    Ahh, Zeb, I grew up listening to the Big Bands....Glenn Miller was a favorite. So cool that a group bearing his name and playing his music is still touring! Will have to look them up. Thanks for a cheery morning thought as I head to work.

  • jgnat

    I imagine a gathering like that does not hold a candle to a convention! No hype required.

  • zeb

    Jgnat: spot on! In the 'greet and meet' afterwards I heard one gent say to the 'Swing Kittens', "My son will ask; are you girls married?" resulted in peels of laughter. No hype just a slick, professional, polished perfectly timed occasion. There was one solo vocalist Wendy Smith who had us all yelling for more.

    did i mention the dancers?

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