Just spent the last weekend listening to the program and fortunatly I'm not programable. Anyway I had to listen to two members of the GB. It was very interesting to listen now with the aid of technology and the BIG screens. It gave me more insite as to the BS that the GB is handing out. When ever you are talking to someone or they are talking to you the facial expressions are of real importance. Seeing these expressions of the speakers was not possible until now. Bro lett was following mostly a scrip and the only thing I could observe were his eye brows going high on his forhead and then very low (all this on a 16ft x 20 screen). So much that I started to get dizzy. Thank goodness for the arm rest on the seats. The next member of the GB was Bro Morris. I must say he had a more conversational quality than anyone else I have listened to. This would be of great value as I could read his body english, tone of his voice along with facial expressions. You could see that he was BS'g and knew it. Example: he would talk in a very conversational way with cander while looking at the camera but when mentioning "time of the end", or doctrine things he would look at the outline and would not make eye contact with audience. This is very common when soneone is knowingly BS'g.
My take of the convention
by mann377 3 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting about Morris.......don't lier's do that.... break eye contact? I don't see how anyone at that level but the most simple minded can believe in 3/4's of the absurd garbage they give talks about.
Yes I watched the youtube vid of Lett and I noticed he hardly ever blinks, a trick of people who think prolonged eye contact hides the fact they are lying. His staring eyes and raised eyebrows are rather scary.
Maybe if you checked, you would find an AC power cord coming out from their bodies. Any stuff that cheesy could only come from some audio-animatronics machines like at Disney World.