Just wanted to get your thoughts on something. I may be taking out my anger for my dad on the jws. My dad was physically abusive to my mother, domineering, narcissistic, and controlling. And he has been accused of child abuse. Whenever I hear about him, I get angry at jws. Could I be transferring anger?
my dad
by lambsbottom 6 Replies latest jw friends
Because of your background, I bet you are particularly sensitive about any abuse of power.
Makes sense. Maybe too sensitive towards jws?
JW's annoy and bore me. I'm not typically angry with them unless they interfere with my family.
Sitting here with a jw old timer. He still hangs on to " this is Jehovah's organization, even though there is a lot of problems. He's definitely awake but he can't let it go! He still wants to believe. Sad
What's the alternative? That his entire life's mission has been a collossal waste of time? When a Witness says, "This is Jehovah's Organization, even though there are a lot of problems", they have retreated in to cult mode. It's a conversation stopper.
Talk about something other than the Witnesses. Like kittens or the weather. Switch him back in to authentic mode before you discuss again.
Pringle cat.