The recent thread on the expirimental physicist, where they strongly imply that evolution is taught only as a part of some grand atheist agenda, got me thinking. Once you really step back and look at it, there are a lot of cause/effect relationships that are presented by the WTS that are completely false, or at least very misleading. Here are the ones I've come up with so far:
Atheism caused the theory of evolution to gain prominence.
"The corruption of christendom is the leading cause of atheism" (heard at the recent convention at least twice)
Greed/Pride/Self-importance causes people to seek higher education (I know many people who've gone to college, and it is readily apparent that this is not the case for a single one of them)
Masturbation causes homosexuality (I guess this is slightly more plausible than "you'll go blind" but really?)
Stroking your child's genitals to calm them causes them to masturbate later in life (neither part of this one makes any sense)
Leaving the WTS will cause you to become a drug addict.
Leaving the WTS will cause you to become promiscuous and get STDs.
Leaving the WTS will cause you to be permanently unhappy.
Watching "spritistic" movies/TV shows will cause your home to become haunted/possessed by demons.
Possessing any object related to anything occult will cause your home to become haunted/possessed by demons
Blood transfusions or organ transplants will cause you to exhibit the personality traits of the donor.
Spending time in the ministry will cause you to be happy
And the biggest lie of all: Baptism into the WTS will cause you to be happy.
Please add to the list. It's funny how absurd it all is once you look at it objectively and in black and white.