Since the spin we get from the WT and from the platform is very one sided, always banging on about how terrible the world is and how it's never been worse and mankind is going to hades in a handcart, how's about a GOOD NEWS thread?
I don't know about you guys but I try to share the good stuff as much as possible, because I feel it un-demonises 'worldly' people, helps witnesses see its not cut and dry, black and white, us and them. There are millions of decent hardworking CHARITABLE people out there trying to make a difference for the community at large. No way in gehenna is yhwh going to mercilessly kill people like these for not listening to my crappy half-arsed magazine presentation on a Saturday morning.
So, from the very large scale, maybe pinker's facts and figures if they're not too contested (I haven't got the concensus on thatyet) to the very local or small scale like this
Let's post stuff here that we can share on our Facebook pages and help dispel the myth of the wicked evil 'worldlies'.