To JW Admin:
For about a week now, I've noticed that whatever ads you are allowing on this site are basically "hijacking" any attempt to read threads. How? Well, the side "ad" thing plays video advertisements, but that's not the problem. When they start, they automatically force the thread I attempt to read up to the top, and keep it there. I cannot scroll or do anything else. I am using FireFox by the way. This is making using or reading anything on this forum unbearable. Like I said, it is totally hijacking my attempt at reading or posting on threads. And it doesn't stop with just (1). It keeps going and going. I have an ad "pop-up" blocker turned on, but it does no good. I can't pause the video ads either. What can you do about this? I've never experienced anything like this on a website. I can't be the only one experiencing this as well. HELP!!!