Were any of the bible writers a Gentile ?
by smiddy 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dont you just hate it when you push the wrong button ?
Obviously , most , if not all the bible writers were jewish , so my question here really is , isnt the whole set of books heavily biased towards jewish thought and philosophy of the time ? And for reasons other than religous are taken over by politicians/millitarists with their own agenda ?
With the end result today we have christian nations , a jewish nation , and Islamic nations , all with their roots in these same writings of thousands of years ago at loggerheads with each other , while the innocents suffer.
Luke was most likely a Gentile - Colossians 4:10-14 (NWT)
- (Colossians 4:10-14) 10 Ar·is·tar′chus my fellow captive sends YOU his greetings, and so does Mark the cousin of Bar′na·bas, (concerning whom YOU received commands to welcome him if ever he comes to YOU,) 11 and Jesus who is called Justus, these being of those circumcised. Only these are my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and these very ones have become a strengthening aid to me. 12 Ep′a·phras, who is from among YOU, a slave of Christ Jesus, sends YOU his greetings, always exerting himself in YOUR behalf in [his] prayers, that YOU may finally stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God. 13 I indeed bear him witness that he puts himself to great effort in behalf of YOU and of those at La·o·di·ce′a and of those at Hi·e·rap′o·lis. 14 Luke the beloved physician sends YOU his greetings, and so does De′mas.
If Luke was the writer of Luke, Acts, and Hebrews, that makes him the writer of roughly 27% of the NT.
Doug Mason
No one knows who wrote the Gospels, although we can be certain that the Matthew Gospel was written by people with a Jewish background.
Likewise, the authors of several letters attributed to Paul were written by unknown authors. Paul, of course was of the diaspora and he had no affiliation with the community at Jerusalem. He shows this at Galatians, despite the religious fiction written by "Luke".
No one knows who wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter, the latter most likely written about 100 years after Peter's death. The latter is an exposition of Jude, which in turn is based on 1 Enoch (a book commonly used throughout the NT). The author of Revelation is not known but he was definitely had a strong Jewish background.
The people who decided which writings would be accepted as Christian Scriptures and hence form the NT were not Jewish.
Each writing had to reflect the culture of the community that produced it. None of these original texts exists, and those texts we are left with have been modified to include the views and opinions of successive copiers and their communities. Thus we need to identify the idioms, understandings, religious and secular politics, geography, interplay with neighbouring communities at each time, and so on.
Further, when we come to the NT writings, the feature known as Pesher comes into play. This term, which finds its genesis in the Dead Sea community, says "this is that", applying Scripture to their own times while totally disregarding the original context of the text. We see this practice in Jesus' "explanations", as well as in Paul's and Luke's. Today, we see the WTS employ this method, when they say that the Scriptures which were written thousands of years ago, are speaking of them. This, I believe, is the reason they reject Higher Criticism while at the same time as accepting Lower Criticism.
Anyone before Jacob (Israel) was technically not an Israelite, because the term had not really been invented; so the Tablet of Adam, Shem and so forth were penned ( chiselled) by non-Jews, if not actual Gentiles. These are mentioned in the Bible.
The whole LIE-ble is a book of damnation. Notably, it focuses on Israel. It gives that disgrace of a nation privilege and permission to go into any nation in the name of joke-hova and plunder it. People were just minding their own business, and they were destroyed unless they were willing to become slaves to Israel. For what? For not worshiping joke-hova, that's what. And anyone with half a brain reading about Tyrant David would wonder why anti-Semitism isn't even more common than it is today. That scumbag was not only blatantly Jewish (and anyone reading about that thing knows just how blatant), but that thing hated with a complete hatred anyone Gentile. It had tens of thousands of Palestinians slaughtered, for the simple reason that they did not worship the same joke-hova.
The New Testament isn't a whole lot better. That thing called Jesus is nothing more than the archetype of the perfect slave. The program of Christi-SCAM-ity is nothing more than a program to enslave people by having them emulate the archetype of that slave. And guess what they emulate? Spiritual Israel! New Jerusalem! Even the Christmas song The First Noel glorifies "Born is the king of Israel". Does that sound like something designed to enslave people? Yes, that "King of Israel" is referring to Jesus. Why the King of Israel and not the King of Mankind? Perhaps it has something to do with this New Jerusalem or spiritual Israel?
Band on the Run
I don't understand your point. We don't know the backgrounds of most Bible authors. As far as I am concerned, I don't care if they were purple polka dot people. Their writings range from the sublime and achingly beautiful to very spooky stuff. When reading the Bible, our background is important.
smiddy - Yes Gentiles did write portions of the New Testament. (In a Sense)
It is a common belief that the Gospel Accounts are not Originals, some Claim that these were all taken from "The Gospel of the Holy 12".. Whatever the source is, the Fospels as we know them were all written,edited, and translated by Christians / Gentiles in the 1st and 2nd Centuries on onward.
Thank you all for your comments , they are much appreciated
When reading the Bible, our background is important..... ( I feel I need to respond to this comment.)
When writing the books of the bible or parts theirof is their background important ?
If our background is important in reading the bible , eg. how we understand it , interpret it , influenced by our culture etc., then how are these same factors to be taken into consideration with the bible writers themselves , their background , bias , culture , etc. that would influence their writings.?
just saying.
Job was not an Israelite/Jew.