If the bible is "a letter from God", why is it that only the GB can interpret it?

by stuckinarut2 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    We know that witnesses often use the illustration "the bible is like a letter from God. A letter from a loving father to all his children etc"

    So in this letter he says "he desires none to be destroyed, but all to survive etc"

    Then why is it that only the Governing Body has the right to interpret and share this message of life saving truth!?


    And why have they so often got the message from this letter SO VERY WRONG?


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The Bible was created by the Church that the GB says had slid into apostasy.


  • punkofnice

    Then why is it that only the Governing Body has the right to interpret and share this message of life saving truth!?

    The GB know very well god doesn't exist but their lust for power, money and their vehement need for paedophile protection makes it an attractive business proposition. They control the information and scam the cash, power and cushy life style from the rank and file.....and they bloody well know it!

    And why have they so often got the message from this letter SO VERY WRONG?

    Because they don't care. As long as the GB and the controllers of the WBT$ can get power, cash and continue to protect their like minded paedophile compadres all is good in the world of Morris the 3rd and his biatches.

    These of course, are good questions that every JW should ask themselves but dare not because the bubble will burst and they'll end up shunned by those they love and think love them.

  • Dis-Member

    They can't. Have they not been getting it wrong for 130 years already? Things are not about to change. A false prophet does not suddenly become a true one over night. They usually get taken outside the city gates and are stoned.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Such thinking will give you a headache and bring charges of apostacy against you.


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