I did survive. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. Their idea of paradise is that everyone is the same. And their proof that they are God's people is that they are all united in one thought. I don't know...I had been thinking of going back, but then that reminded me how narrow their idea is of spirituality - if you aren't a pioneer, MS or Elder, you are nothing. I'll never fit that mould, so I'd rather just not even try.
My friend who invited me was so happy I went. She said, "I hope you felt it was worth the effort." My response was, "I know how much you love me. And it certainly gave me a lot to think about." She said, "you're being there gave me a lot to be hopeful for."
UGH. At least she doesn't think I'm dangerous. That is my top priority. They can think I'm weak all they want, but I'd rather stay out of the "dangerous/apostate" territory.
I don't entirely disagree with their doctrine, but there are a lot of things about how they carry out their brand of spirituality that really bothers my conscience.