by Pete Zahut 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As much as I disagree with what he is doing, it is a cute video. I remember those idealistic teenage days myself when I felt that same as he does.
Presumptuous, wet-behind-the-ears, self-righteous punk. Who is he to go out and "teach" others? He's so sure he has the truth, yet he knows nothing. He has a few verses memorized, but knows nothing of their context. Probably hasn't even read the entire Bible and is completely ignorant of who chose the books making up his version of the Bible and why. Probably has never heard of Russell, Rutherford, Franz. Knows nothing of 1975. Wasn't even alive when the major "generation" doctrine change occurrred in 1995. Ask him why JWs can take fractions of blood, but not whole blood. Ask him to back up the current "generation" doctrine (that is, if he even knows what it is).
Yeah, I was naive, too. I admit it. That's why I don't feel bad about calling it like it is with him... because I have no problem admitting I was a punk, too. However, I don't think I was as goody-goody as he is.
My question is Why do JWs have to be so rude? I would love to have some sincere, respectful conversations with them about my Bible questions, problems with the org, etc.; however, they would be rude to me.
Super cute.
I doubt that many people find that many attractive young householders in a year of pioneering and certainly not that many people opening the door in one morning. Where is his partner?
Its a cute video. He is just deluded and young. He will start clueing in soon enough. Keep him in your kind thoughts. Someday he will cringe thinking about this video.
Pete Zahut
This video may seem cute but when you think about it, you realize it is just feeding the martyr syndrome many JW's have. It makes them feel extra virtuous and improtant to think people are out to get them when in reality they hardly even realize they exist.
All those householders in the video were likely friends of the JW kid who helped him make his video. In all my years of going from door to door, including in New York City, I never had anyone throw my literature down, throw something at me or even be remotely rude. If anything, most were very patient with the guy who came to their door, interrupetd their morning and out of the blue, started asking them personal questions about their beliefs and values.
One day this kid will look back on this video and be embarrassed that he was so taken in by all of it and will realize that he was only parroting off pat phrases and one sided logic spoon fed to him by his parents or peer group. That's when the resentment will set in.
Pete Zahut - "One day this kid will look back on this video and be embarrassed that he was so taken in by all of it and will realize that he was only parroting off pat phrases and one sided logic spoon fed to him by his parents or peer group. That's when the resentment will set in."
Yeah, probably.
We'll see him here, soon.