If these things come true and many people have them whether believers or non beleivers, where do they come from
Where Do Visions,Dreams and Prophecy Come From
by givemejustalittlemoretime 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
If these things come true
Whoa, horses, let's stop right there. Which things came true? What percentage were they out of all the dreams/visions that a person has had? Did the person write down their dream so we know it preceded the event it supposedly foretold? Or is it possible they dreamt something similar and then over time, they convinced themselves that they predicted an event that was only partially the same?
I ask because we have scientifically documented concepts such as "confirmation bias" and the faultiness of human memory.
I'd think the percentage of dreams and visions that come true is very, very low. I have never been chased down main street by lizard monkeys.
Sometimes such dreams when they happen come from at least two sources. They either come from the person themselves or another person who is alive or dead. The reason is because part of us does not exist in time.
They mainly come from psychotropic drugs and/or heavy neurological or psychosomatic disorders, such as schizophrenia.
Most of the so-called prophets had heavy issues. That's why they became prophets in the first place. Had they no issues, they'd do something healthy and productive with their lives.
Witness My Fury
And the proof for any of that is where?
Wishful thinking and confirmation bias are not a good foundation for establishing truth.
Edit to add Syme nailed it.
"Where Do Visions,Dreams and Prophecy Come From
If these things come true and many people have them whether believers or non beleivers, where do they come from" - givemeThe part about prophecy is very tricky, you just let any event past. Then, claim responsibility for the "prediction" of the fact. Their you go, you got yourself a fulfill prophecy. As for visions and dreams, here are some factors that mighty play a part.
Your brain's pineal gland can sense geomagnetic activity. It's not magic, it's just helping to regulate hormones for your sleep cycle. Some people are sensitive enough to fluctuations in the Earth's magnetism that it creates anxiety and depression (high magnetic activity hurts the output of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your mood).
After recording his dreams for eight years, psychologist Darren Lipnicki stumbled upon this correlation: low geomagnetic activity means crazier dreams.
It would make sense if (as Lipnicki suspects) it's all about magnetism and melatonin. After all, people who take melatonin supplements say that they experience crazier dreams. This also leads to the conclusion that weird-ass dreams are the sign of a healthy brain, your melatonin is doing its job.
Certain types of drugs can have strange effects on their user's mental state, and many hallucinogens, like mushrooms, LSD or absinthe are reputed to offer experiences similar to lucid dreaming.
Scientists in Germany experimented on 15 subjects by pumping different smells into the room as they entered REM sleep. During the study, they wafted the odors of things like rotten eggs and roses across the noses of the sleeping subjects and asked them about their dreams after they awoke. It turns out that the unpleasant smells tended to trigger more negative dreams.
The researchers believe that this is due to the effect that smell has on the limbic system of the brain, which governs emotion and behavior. This appears to be a hugely underrated factor in how our brains work. According to one expert, our sense of smell alone has "direct access to the subconscious areas of the brain, which affects emotion, mood, and memory." Even when you sleep.
The reason is because part of us does not exist in time.
How? Which part? What are the implications of not existing in time? What does that even mean, exactly?