Get on the bus: JWs and Scientologists are looking more and more a like!
by Oubliette 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Disfellowshipping in Scientology is called "disconnection", as a quick side point. Damn near identical methods.
I'm thinking like the scientology guys the gb will tell thier flock to down load an app that keeps them from viewing apostate sites.
Same marketing consultants, no doubt. Very high-priced and holding contracts with secrecy clauses.
They are both cults, so they never were really all that different. When it comes to cults, it's not the beliefs that matter, it's the techniques used to trap people that is important. They both lie about their history, control how people spend their time and who they talk to, claim to be the only route to salvation, and not allow leadership to be criticised.
It's not surprising that they both would adopt similar strategies to cope with the internet, at first trying to discourage people from using it, then giving up and move to trying to control how it's used. It won't work, the truth, the real truth, the truth about the truth, is out there, and its just a few clicks away.
Blondie, a friend sent me these two pics. Neither of us can vouch for their authenticity, but they do not appear to be photoshopped, and the JW bus would certainly be in keeping with the way the BORG has been changing the last couple of years.
LisaRose, what an excellent summary and analysis!