Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and thats not a joke
by chrisuk 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What a poorly written article.
Chris - Have you read the article? (I have it is dreadful)
Did you find it compelling? Why?
Did you agree with all of it or some of it? How would you summarise it in a few simple sentences?
This is a bit like saying that because no human can really grasp infinities noone really belive there are infinitely many prime numbers.
I myself think that we may be genetically preconditioned to be spiritual, to look for a higher meaning in life and to desire that there be something greater than ourselves, and that tendency may have survived because it made us strive for survival, and gave us hope. But that doesn't mean that the way this has been traditional expressed, as belief in God, is the only way that desire can be expressed. And it certainly doesn't prove God exists, any more than our belief that the earth was flat made it true.
Early man made up stories, like Adam and Eve, to explain how we got here, those stories eventually got written down. They couldn't understand how man came to be and so they imagined an almighty creator. This satisfied the desire for spirituality, but also became a negative when one group argued over who's imaginary creator was the best.
This is where I diverge from many other Atheists, I still see religion as having some benefit, for some people. And I still see myself as spiritual, because that simply means to me that I can aspire to something other than the physical and the every day, something greater than myself. I do think that if we are to survive, religion has to change so that it stops being an excuse to kill others, and deny scientific fact.
No, Cofty I hadn't read the article before posting it. Sorry for wasting people's time.
Captain Obvious
Just read it... Garbage. An intelligent believer would still find this contemptible. You should be ashamed for even posting that link on here.
Steady on Captain. Ashamed? No. I admit I shouldn't have posted it but it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you think I should be ashamed about a harmless link then perhaps you need to get out more. It wouldn't be so bad but I'd already said sorry for wasting people's time in the post directly above yours, But I'm not ashamed. I haven't posted anything inappropriate. Just a poorly written article.
any refutation of the arguments, no matter how badly they are presented?
Prologos: yes, just gave one.