I'm traveling through the US on my motorcycle and yesterday I tried to get a Hotel room in Indianapolis. The first 3 Hotels were sold out and when I finally found a room I realized that everyone in the Hotel were Hispanic and wearing lapel ID cards for the convention. The other rider accompanying me is the only active JW I'm friends with so I had to be careful how I handled myself with the brothers...Of course he engaged some of them but I managed to keep my conversation to a simple introduction. I watched some of them at the restaurant and they hardly talked to each other or even smile...I felt sad for them and I'm am glad that I no longer have to submit to the same regimen and mind control. I hope not to have lodging problems on the rest of our trip.
JWs everywhere!
by NVR2L8 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, the cult sucks. JWS are a stressed out bunch of zealots. They are always tired and grumpy. I shudder at the thought of a musty hotel full of obese dubs hogging the hot-tub, then going back to their rooms and not having perfunctory sex.
The measure of a witness!...No wonder they dont look happy!
Funny you should mention places you can meet JDubs. In 2003, I went to London to participate in a Silentlambs march. There was no march, and if there had been one, the impact would not have been nearly as strong as having the mrch in Brooklyn. The Brits did not participate in the "march." In fact, there was no march. What it boiled down to was that another apostate and I, just the two of us, went to the Watchtower House and spoke with the people at the reception desk and left a stuffed lamb.
Now, how this story relates to your post: On the flight to London, I sat with a middle-aged couple who were Jehovah's Witnesses! They had been to Patterson for their daughter's Gilead graduation. I did not tell them I was on my way to their country to partifcipate in an anti-Watchtower-policy protest. I acted completely unflustered, though I was a bit uncomfortable for some unknown reason. They wsre very nice to me and very solicitous of my comfort. I was bemused that they were unknowingly being kind to a "mentally diseased apostate!" If only they knew!
A few years earlier, I took court reporting classes at a community college. The teacher had two assistants, both JW's as it turned out.
I have also dealt with JW clients on the job.
Its fun for me to know that they can't look at me and know I'm an "apostate." I'm getting over on them.
NOTE TO JW'S: You don't know who you're dealing with in your everyday business. Apostates are often at your service or somewhere nearby. Get over it! We will speak to you, and you won't know who you're dealing with. Oh, no, so many JW's have been deceived into not hating me and, I am sujre, many other "apostates." Suck it up!
Mum, if a JW does not know you are an apostate or you don't discuss anything with them then you are playing into their hands and they are getting one over you. That's exactly what they want, that's why they have a shunning policy so that they can't listen to you.
Hi, Listener. I see it the opposite way. I feel I'm getting over on them because they doin't know thery're being nice to an apostate. In a business suituation, I believe your employer would take a dim view of telling a JW you're an apostate and and possibly losing a client or customer because said client or customer doesn't want to speak to you.
As far as I'm concerned, if I saw a JW I knew in a public place, I would give them a hearty hello and start a conversation. I would let him/her/them show themselves to be a**holes!
Mum, without question it is up to you how you chose to deal with JW's and I do understand what you are saying.
A lot of JWs would react badly if they knew they had been talking sweetly to an Apostate and yet because they have spoken to you and not known you were an apostate nothing has happened to them and they have not had any bad feelings to deal with. It shows what a nonsense the shunning policy is.
Mum, the Witnesses would be aghast to have it dawn on them that their super-duper apostate-radars were not working! Where were the heavenly angels during these encounters? Clearly not tapping the faithful Witnesses on their shoulders and warning them about your presence!
The Hotel pool was full of kids...at least they were enjoying some kind of vacation...as it may be all their parents can afford. I hated wasting half of my 2 weeks of vacation to go to the DC. We had to camp because my parents couldn't afford a Hotel with 4 kids. I remember a trailer park near Newark NJ...a gravel lot with trailers side by side.
Mum ---- what happened at the SilentLambs march? Or rather, why didn't something happen?