Blood Save Their Lives!

by Lee Elder 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    New article on AJWRB. Great experiences:


  • Finkelstein

    Why doesn't other Christian institutions take this stand on blood transfusions ?

    Simply because they understand that the scriptural commandment involves the eating of blood as a food source,

    even the most Orthodox Jews today have this same interpretation.

    Thats why Orthodox Jews have to slaughter animals for consumption by strict Kosher laws/procedures.


    The idiot amateur WTS. bible theologians (1940's) stated in the Watchtower that if you were to transfer blood

    into other, that would cause all the evil character and personality of the original giver to enter the person who

    received the BT , ....... true.


    Good old fashion stupidity by men playing god.

  • jgnat

    Here's a sharper interpretation. Life is always more valuable than its symbol.

  • AlphaMan

    The idiot amateur WTS. bible theologians (1940's) stated in the Watchtower that if you were to transfer blood into other, that would cause all the evil character and personality of the original giver to enter the person who received the BT.


    I have always heard Fred Franz had a lot to do with the development of the Watchtower prohibition on blood transfusions.

    Fact: Fred Franz was a weirdo and was known to talk to his old shoes.

    Look at this guy. Are you going to let this JW weirdo determine life saving medical treatments for you or your family?


  • Finkelstein

    Unfortunately there have many idiot delusional men who picked up the bible and thought of themselves as spiritual seers guided by god's holy spirit.

    Well they prayed and god gave them an answer toward what they were looking for. ..... self assuming spiritual power.

    From that noted realization the bible really is a dangerous book for humanity to mentally embrace.


    This one stupid act by a couple of men cost the lives of 10's thousands of people including babies and children who were under the mental control of these ignorant delusional men.

  • smiddy

    Fact: Fred Franz was a weirdo and was known to talk to his old shoes.

    Is their any evidence that his shoes talked back to him ? That could be compelling .


  • Rattigan350

    jgnat said: Life is always more valuable than its symbol

    I like that and will use that.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Indeed, good reading!!!

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