JW website merchadise

by juliew 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • juliew

    So my step daughter came back from their international convention this weekend wearing JW.org bracelets and pins. Including a pin with a picture of caleb and another cartoon character girl from the Jw website. This makes me so sick. She was talking about how great the convention was and that she got to meet people from other countries and gave some JW gifts to other kids.

    I wish i knew how to wake her up (she's 11 right now). She will miss on so much when she grows up if she decides to start shunning her dad and I once she turns 18.

    I'd insert a picture of it but can't figure out how to do that.

  • steve2

    Shocked and/or disdainful reactions fuel religiosity.

    Boredom coupled with excitement about other things is the most effective reaction.

    Remember, time is on your side. One day, this 14-year-old will trade her trinkets for something more substantial like a life worth living.

    JW.org trinkets will go the same way as Barbie once she's outlived her developmental relevance.

  • Apognophos

    Being a young popular sister means the religion is a great experience for her now. You have no way to wake her up because it's not about information, it's about the "spiritual paradise" she's in. Of course, as you know, the experience may sour as she gets older. At that point maybe she will see that the org. is not all it's cracked up to be. Sorry that you have to deal with seeing a child having their life sucked into the religion. I don't even have kids, and it's hard for me to see it happen to kids in the congregation. Anyway, I would just be supportive of her, since she hardly can understand the bad choices she's being led into by her family, so there's no point in getting yourself labeled as an opposer or apostate.

  • givemejustalittlemoretime

    Seems the fruitage of all those studies coming to pass. Reverting to symbolism . Caleb meaning one who represents judah, is false and a deception. It should be The Messiah who is promoted

  • WTWizard

    I view any of this merchandise a waste of time and money, unless you intend to sell it later as collectible merchandise. Getting a tattoo is also a waste. What if they change the logo? Then the original logo is worthless, unless it gains collector value. I don't feel like investing the money I could have invested in a silver eagle on accessories with that logo only to need to replace it three years later when they change the logo (at that, when the dollar is worthless). And, I do not feel like getting a tattoo of this ugly logo, only to have it obsolete and thus banned in a few years when I can no longer afford to have it undone.

    Also, any time you get a tattoo, there are risks. The needle, the ink--this is a minor medical procedure. It also costs money--more than going to get a haircut. With all the job cuts imposed so you can pious-sneer, do you have the funds to waste on this? A couple of rolls of silver quarters, or a tub of rounds, will be worth more to me in a few years than a stupid tattoo. Not to mention, having that tattoo will forever brand you to anyone that is trying to hire. Imagine going to get a job with that ugly tattoo on you. Do you think people hire people with such unusual tattoos, particularly if they are prominent? They are grudging to hire people with simple tattoos, so something like this is going to make them laugh. And, with the jokehovian witlesses so rightly hated by the community for being scammers, a washtowel logo prominently displayed on your body might as well be a swastika tattooed on your forehead before making a trip to Israel. I don't think it will work.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Unbelievable, but I guess it is true.

    I gave up everything in my life... for this tacky man made up, flip - flopping religion???


  • Oubliette

    What's up with all the kitschy jw.org bling?

    It's really tacky.

    This is SO not the religion I joined in the 80s!

    The current GB are a bunch of apostates ... and ones with no class or taste! They really are clueless.


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