Is it me or is that rock looking funny at Jesus?
Funny rock
by fulano 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, it looks like a demonic troll looking at him. The artwork of the WBTS have lots and lots of subliminals in their artwork, anything from bad words to sex organs. Whenever the brothers at New York are notified about them, all they say is oh, it was a rogue in the art department, and we got rid of him. Yeah. If you are interested, just google subliminals in the Watchtower literature. And this is supposed to be God's Organization? Whenever I found out about them, I never picked up a magazine again, or pamphlet from them.
Well, yeah! He grew a beard at some point. I'm not up on the latest "light," but I remember Jesus without a beard in the publications.
I got "supicious website has been detected" and blipped it off.
perhaps the subliminals are products of distressed minds at work.
Looks like a female lion!
Jesus has very neat hair. And a very tidy beard.
He is also very white.
He looks like a hipster named Trent, draped in a tablecloth.
The one he's sitting on looks, to me, like it's looking up at him.