I was wondering just how many years have to pass before a BAC(born again christian) or a JWs before they say enough is enough with no Rapture/Armaggeddon. I just feel sorry for them to just be waiting and waiting and waiting without any results. BACs have been waiting for the Rapture for 2000 years and sometimes I wonder is it a mental defect or is it they just are so "blinded" and cannot see they have been duped. And the sad thing is that BACs seem to think they are better off then JWs.
Im curious how long does it have to take for a BAC/JWs to say enough is enough?
by booker-t 8 Replies latest jw friends
Rev.22:20 "He that bears witness of these things says " Yes I am coming quickly"
" Amen!Come Lord Jesus "
That statement was made over two thousand years ago .
What is your interpretation of Quick ? A month ? A year ? 10 years ? 100 years ? 1000 years ? 2000 years ?
The amazing thing is that growing up as a JW I always heard brothers acknowledge that the early Christians believed the end was imminent (as is clear from the language of the NT). You'd think this would maybe ring some alarm bells in people's heads, almost two millennia later. But each new generation of Christians just keeps believing that when they read NT verses about how the end is near, that it really applies to their time. Sure, the writers didn't know that, but the modern reader apparently knows that this time the end really is coming soon.
Anyway, it's a combination of factors, but I think a lot of it comes down to the simple fact that people would rather see the world end than have to grow old and die. It's basically a projection of their fear of mortality. That's my unqualified viewpoint, anyway, though I don't have any psychology degree hanging on my wall.
Most have invested too much to ever really give up on the impending Apocalypse.
"He that bears witness of these things says " Yes I am coming quickly"
What is your interpretation of Quick ? A month ? A year ? 10 years ? 100 years ? 1000 years ? 2000 years ?
[ ] None of the above.
Her answer was "anything less than 10 minutes"
My spiritual awakening or birth has led me away from religionist interpretation of, and preoccupation with, the Rapture and Armageddon.
You know book, to me its all psychological. Although I did it for my mother at first, At one short time I felt better than worldly people,like I knew something they didn't know. That didn't last. This religion appeals very much to people who are not just poor or middle class or uneducated, but those who are struggleling with life mentally, finacially. At first its makes them feel better. They look forward to this socalled paradise that in acuality is prosperity without money for all,eternal life. The Org got them all (R&f) afraid to die. Which we all eventually will. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to die, but i'm not afraid to die. Now with this kind of thinking i don't need this religion anymore
Just my 13cents Book, peace to jw.netland
It is a cognitive loop and some will never break out. I suggest to rather ask what percentage will wake up? I suspect 20%.
By the way, the people who stay trapped I don't think in any way are dumber, poorer, or in some way disadvantaged from the rest of us. After all, we were fooled once, too!