Cold hearted JWs

by target 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • target

    It just amazes me. I sent the articles on child molestation to a JW back in Wisconsin and her response was "So?"

    My son sent the articles to a JW couple he thought were friends and their response was that the victims should keep quiet so as not to bring reproach on Jehovah's organization and then they went to the elders and accused my son and daughter-in-law of being apostates.
    THey can be so cold hearted and never miss a chance to back stab a best friend.
    Well, it did accomplish one thing. The thin string that still attached them to old friends in the borg has been cut.

    I am ashamed to let anyone know I ever belonged to that evil organization.


  • ConnieLynn

    Target - I got the very same response from my mother. I was SHOCKED to say the least. She had been a victim of molestation as a child, so I assumed that she would be outraged. Instead, she was infuriated at the witnesses who are "bringing reproach on the organization". I didn't even know how to react to her. My voice just caught, I am still shocked at her reaction.

  • blindfool

    The reactions you describe are amazing. However, I'm afraid, they will be typical.
    The typical witness can't destinquish between the WTBTS and Jehovah God himself. Anything that is brought up as a negative towards the organization, is seen by the JW community as bringing reproach against Jehovah!!

  • crawdad2

    i have found that when you nail a jw with some irrefutable truth, their true spirit comes out,,,,,,,

    alot of them have a really haughty, selfrighteous, mean spirit, a lying spirit.

    most of their "works" are not motivated by "love".....they are motivated by "greed" or "fear"...........such as.....going out in service to get their hours in, so they can have enough hours to be qualified for a "title", a "position of authority"...

    or getting some hours in because they think god is going to kill them if they don't.

  • Dawn

    Not all JW's will act out that way. I spoke with my mom this afternoon and asked her if she heard about the upcoming Dateline segment. She didn't so I filled her in a bit.

    She said she and my dad (an elder before he passed away recently) had talked about this a few times and she disagreed with the Organization's stand on handling things internally. She feels that not only should it be reported to the police, but there should be an announcement made at EVERY Kingdom Hall that person ever goes to.

    Of course, being just a "sister" she didn't have much say, she doesn't like the current policy but doesn't see how she could do anything to change it - she still believes it is Jehovah's Organization. She is planning to watch the Dateline show and is hoping it will prod the society to make some changes.

  • outnfree


    was your mother brought up as a witness? Was she victimized by someone in the congregation? did SHE keep quiet so as not to bring reproach upon Jehovah?

    Maybe her reaction has more to do with self-justification than with cold-heartedness?

    Or maybe not...


  • Scully

    When a JW gives me the "they brought reproach on Jehovah" routine, my response is going to be this:

    Could you explain how exposing criminals like child molesters brings reproach on Jehovah? Because from everything I've ever learned about child abuse and molestation, that behaviour in itself is reproachful. If it's happening within the Organization and being covered up by elders, essentially enabling its existence and continuation, that too is reproachful. The fact that it is not exposed, leaving at risk both children of JWs and children who might come into contact with a molester in the door-to-door work, multiplies the reproach yet further. So tell me, how does exposing someone like this, protecting the young children in the organization and in the community cause "reproach on Jehovah"? The molesters' behaviour is what brought reproach, and any attempt to cover it over, blame the victims, or silence their advocates multiplies that reproach exponentially.

    When Samuel confronted David about his sin with Bath'sheba, did he execute Samuel for "bringing reproach on Jehovah"?? When Paul exposed an incestous relationship in the Corinthian congregation between a mother and her son, did the elders "disfellowship" him and say he was "bringing reproach on Jehovah"?

    By supporting the WTS in silencing victims and their advocates, they too are adding to the heavy burden of reproach that already exists.

    Love, Scully

  • Makena1

    Scully - great reply about the "bringing reproach on Jehovah" topic. It's a keeper!


    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • orangefatcat

    Scully an excellent analogy.

  • rmayer32

    It's insane just how brainwashed people in the JW's really are. Where they should be appalled like every other normal person they rationalize it all away.

    "Keeping an eye on the Watchtower deviants"

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