Is it just me or have they modelled 'Joseph in the prison hole' on cedars and added a homoerotic element to it?
Draw close p111 illustration..
by disposable hero of hypocrisy 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Depends if you're into BDSM I suppose, but it is an example of the printed book/PDF version being 'better' than the EPUB version on your tablet, even if you can zoom in on the tablet ;) LOL!
That's all folks!
DarK SpliveR
I was shocked that they had a black man in the same prison hole with Joseph..Afro & earring...The art department is getting diversified. When I first came to the truth or the truth as the society sees looked like the 144,000 were all one race & men/caucasian. So not to be mean, but that would be the same set-up as on earth, White men ruling what's the sense in coming back after death if we still gonna be ruled by the same fortune 500 companies...John Paul Getty's, Rockefeller's , you get the sad, we all see in the color we are....
I pointed this out to a sister, she says, she didn't even notice it...yet, she don't like black men & she is hereself...You really can't make this stuff up.
I'm just saying....
It's just you.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hahaa dammit!
The book was first published in 2002, long before "John Cedars" went apostate and grew a beard. It's just you.
But he'll no doubt be happy to know you thought of him ...
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks oub, I was actually kidding about them modelling the pic on cedars, but I do think there's a likeness..