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by Lee Elder 5 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Lee Elder
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Seminars to Improve Relations Between Doctors and Jehovah’s Witnesses

    “The liaison committee members have been trained to handle many common questions raised by both hospitals and physicians, occasionally even Witnesses themselves. This might include issues like the acceptability of immunoglobulins or albumin, the use of cryoprecipitate or medical techniques such as hemodilution, extracorporeal circulation, the cell saver, or hemodialysis. Awake 03/22/1995, p. 20

    Back in the early nineties when the Hospital Liaison Committees were formed, the HLC member’s job was to ‘speak’ to the doctors and other hospital staff on behalf of the jw patient. It wasn’t unusual to have a HLC member by the JW bedside in a hospital, there to defend and protect the JW patient from a doctor who was bent on forcing blood related medical treatment on JW patient. Back in the day it was clear-cut….no blood what-so-ever!

    Fast forward to the early 2000’s through today, the HLC’s duties have taken on a whole new role. It’s not uncommon now for an HLC member to be called in by the Hospital staff in order to get a staunch, hard-lined and unyielding JW patient to accept blood related treatments, like fractions, that WT now says it’s okay to accept but that the JW patient has difficulty with; difficulty with mainly because many a JW still feel that ‘no means no’ where God commands to ‘pour the blood out on the ground and bury it’. (Lev 17:13)

    WT's confusing, complex and ever-changing blood-ban doctrine reminds me of the expression: ‘Oh, the web we weave when we practice to deceive!’

  • TD
    Back in the day it was clear-cut….no blood what-so-ever!

    Why do so many people think that? Is it because they didn't know what was in the Salk poliomyelitis and measles vaccinations?

  • eyeuse2badub


  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Helpful stuff, nice and clear, thanks for posting...

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